超跑駛入電能世界 The Rise of Electric Cars


Electric vehicles have become latest trend for most car dealers, indicating that the auto industry is fulling embracing the challenges of new technology, and has already led car development into a new stage. Recently, Porsche officially released the first electric sports car, Taycan, electrifying the electric sports cars market once again.



今年9月初,保時捷首部純電跑車Taycan於全球三大洲零時差同步發表,如果說356是保時捷品牌象徵,911決定是保時捷的靈魂,Cayenne和Panamera強化完整了保時捷,那麼Taycan就是為保時捷邁進了電動時代寫下的新篇章。保時捷近來在電動車技術的發展表現相當積極,不斷地在全球各地尋求與年輕公司的發展夥伴關係,並且正式投資電動超跑品牌Rimac,並享有15.5%的股權。Rimac主要致力於高壓電池技術,雙方的合作為保時捷的動能跑車提供了相當實力的技術支援,使演變自Mission E和Mission E Cross Turismo兩款概念車的Taycan,所使用的動力系統有別於一般電動車,車主只需為所Taycan充電5分鐘,即可獲得100公里的續航力,22.5分鐘便可將電力自 5% 充到 80%,高效率的充電速度是這款電能超跑的其中亮點。此外,Taycan延續保時捷極簡純粹的車體美學,車頭視覺效果極其寬闊扁平,更強調俐落的雙翼弧線。車身輪廓以往車尾後掠的運動化線條作為主軸,明顯的側面弧線也是 Taycan 的特點之一。在操控感上,Taycan保留了燃油車的駕駛體驗,據說是開起來最不像電動車的電動車,或許這會是吸引仍在觀望電動跑車的人的重要賣點。


已許久沒有新款的英國品牌LOTUS(蓮花),也沒在這波純電跑車浪潮裡缺席,9月在中東首次亮相了全新的LOTUS Evija超級電動跑車。Evija是 LOTUS 第一款純電動量產車,擁有最大2000匹馬力的超強實力,車體呈現 LOTUS 充滿未來感的最新前衛設計概念,在輕量化工程的努力之下,車重約為 1,680 公斤。根據數據,Evija最大續航力約為 402.3 公里,可於9分鐘就自 0% 充滿(800kW充電器),0到100km/h 加速可於 3 秒內完成,極速上看時速322公里,其充電速度、續航力和加速都有相當亮眼的表現。強調手工生產的Evija全球僅會生產130輛,售價約170萬英鎊起跳(約合台幣6,500萬),最快明年就會交車。

In the era of rapid advancement in science and technology, there will be further subver-sion of social forms. Is the electric car an outlier in the automotive industry or a tech-nology war? No matter which one it is, the research and development and the mass production of electric vehicles have become the international trend of the automobile industry. The trend has led to an increasing amount of traditional car manufacturers in-vesting into electric vehicle R&D. Now, the world’s four largest car manufacturers have released electric vehicle production plans ac-counting for half of the vehicles production, suggesting that this trend is inevitable.

The Birth of Taycan

In early September of this year, PORSCHE’s first pure electric sports car, Taycan, was released simultaneously in three continents. If 356 is the Porsche brand symbol, then 911 is the soul of PORSCHE’s. If Cayenne and Panamera have strengthened Porsche brand identity, then Taycan has written a new chapter for electrical vehicles. PORSCHE’s has been active recently in the development of electric vehicle technology as it amped up its search for new partnerships with recently established company around the world, and officially invested in the electric super-running brand RIMAC to acquire 15.5% stakes in the company. RIMAC is predominantly involved in high-voltage battery technology. The cooperation between the two companies provides technical support for PORSCHE’s kinetic sports cars, Taycan, which derived from the concepts cars of Mission E and Mission E Cross Turismo. Taycan uses a different power system than other electric vehicles. The owner only needs to charge Taycan for 5 minutes to get 100 kilometers of driving. In 22.5 minutes, the vehicle battery can be charged from 5% to 80%. The highly efficient battery charging is the main feature of this vehicle. In addition, Taycan captures PORSCHE’s minimalist and pure car body aesthetics approach with extremely wide and flat visuals and an emphasis on the fallen bi-wing arc silhouette. The contour of the body has been used as the main axis of the rearward sweeping motion, and the obvious side curve is also one of Taycan’s distinguishing features. In terms of driving the car, Taycan retains the classic driving experience of the fuel car, which will be an important selling point for people who are interested in electric sport vehicles.

High-end Electric Car Evija

Though LOTUS, a British brand, has been recently inactive prior to the electrical car trend, it officially released its first electric sport car, Lotus Evija, in the Middle East. LOTUS’s first complete electric car is equipped with a maximum strength of 2,000 horsepower. The car body presents LOTUS’s futuristic and latest avant-garde design concept. Through its engineering effort, LOTUS is able to weigh the car at about 1,680 kg.
According to numbers, Evija’s maximum battery is 402.3 kilometers traveled and can be charged fully in just 9 minutes (800kW charger). The 0 to 100km/h acceleration can be completed in 3 seconds and the speed limit is 322 kilometers per hour. Evija’s effi-cient battery charging, maximum travel, and acceleration all are outstanding numbers. Evija, which also emphasizes manual production,will produce only 130 vehicles worldwide sold at around 1.7 million pounds ( approximately 65 million New Taiwan Dollar) each and will be delivered as soon as next year.


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