再見梵谷 Van Gogh Alive | 光影體驗展 雋永的藝術大師 Immersive Art Expo, An Everlasting and Influential Master Artist

來自荷蘭的世紀藝術大師《梵谷》,是後印象派的主要巨匠之一,他所創作的畫作《星夜》、《向日葵》、《麥田群鴉》等都是流傳千古的名作。2020年由《JUSTLIVE》主辦,引進巡迴全球超過50個城市,累積超過 600 萬人次參觀的《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》(Van Gogh Alive),挾帶超人氣的姿態首度登台。

“Van Gogh”, a Dutch post-impressionist painter, is among the most famous and influential figures. His artworks, such as “The Starry Night”, “Sunflowers”, “Wheatfield with Crows”, etc., have been well-known and immortal through the ages. In 2020, “Van Gogh Alive- Immersive Art Expo” hosted by “JUSTLIVE” has toured in over 50 cities around the world and attracted more than 6 million visitors; now, its debut in Taiwan has achieved unprecedented success with extreme popularity. 

許多人對於梵谷的第一印象,都是來自於他最知名的畫作《星夜》,以及一首由美國知名民謠歌手唐‧麥克林(Don McLean)演唱的Vincent,這首歌也因為開場歌詞「Starry Starry Night」而聞名,這句歌詞正是意指梵谷的名畫《星夜》。


2020 年首度登陸台灣的《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》,將梵谷的經典作品搬出美術館,感受《向日葵》、《星夜》、《麥田群鴉》等繪畫及素描、書信等 3,000 幅作品與珍貴影像,透過當代科技轉為動態影像,由畫框內躍入超過 5 公尺、近 3 層樓高的投影巨幕當中,打造出跳脫現實的魔幻空間。透過光影流動與環繞,帶領觀眾徜徉梵谷的畫作之間,以嶄新方式體驗梵谷筆觸下的絕美神采。

《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》是台灣首個以世界級經典畫家為主題的沉浸式光影藝術展。近年沉浸式的藝術觀賞體驗蔚為風潮,為了呈現最棒的視覺效果,在場地選擇上也格外謹慎,無論空間大小、比例與高度都超過官方標準規格,這次代表澳洲知名策展公司暨授權單位 Grande Exhibitions出席的Rob Kirk 更表示:「台灣是歷年海外巡展中最能完整呈現作品震撼度的一站。」本展覽使用 Grande Exhibitions 開發的 SENSORY4™ 投影系統,以 40 多台高畫質投影機搭配影院級環繞聲效,結合最高達 6 公尺的巨型螢幕,搭建成目不暇給的絕美空間。

隨著梵谷的畫作在螢幕上流動,展區搭配梵谷同時期的李斯特、韋瓦第、舒伯特、巴哈等大師經典樂章作為陪襯;更驚喜的是,隨著梵谷的創作生涯演進,在陸續遊歷荷蘭、亞爾、聖雷米和奧維小鎮的同時,現場將散發出不同的香氣,分為前中後調。前調有柑橘、青草等較清新的味道,中調為薰衣草、鼠尾草的花香調,到了後調則是較溫暖的木頭、麝香與琥珀氣味。在視覺與聽覺的享受後,本次展覽更利用不同香氛觸發嗅覺來刺激大腦,使觀展的體驗更加深刻。在《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》不止能看跟聽,更能實際「聞」到 19 世紀的歐洲風情,帶領觀眾以當代風行的科技藝術形式,直接「走入畫中」,探索梵谷跨時代的美學成就。

除了兩大主要投影展區,帶給觀眾超越視覺的極致聲光體驗之外,另更規劃「認識梵谷」靜態展示區,透過《向日葵》、《星夜》、《麥田群鴉》、《盛開的杏樹》和《紅色葡萄園》等 13 件最膾炙人口的作品介紹,引導觀眾走入梵谷曲折而短暫的一生;「亞爾的臥室」則以現場實景重現梵谷生前最後兩年的創作時光,讓觀眾一腳踩進經典畫作之中,留下深刻紀念。

為期近三個月的《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》台北場,將自 2020 年 1 月 15 日起至 4 月 5 日止,於新光三越信義新天地 A11 館六樓展出;高雄場,自2020年4月18日起至7月12日止,於新光三越左營店 10 樓國際展演中心展出,讓喜歡梵谷以及藝術的讀者們能夠體驗他絕美的藝術創作。

The first impression coming to many people’s mind about Van Gogh is his most renowned painting, “The Starry Night” as well as “Vincent”, which is a song by Don Mclean and known by its opening line “Starry Starry Night” that describes Vincent Van Gogh’s painting, “The Starry Night”.

It was created during the period when Van Gogh was under the greatest depression in his life. At that time, Van Gogh had a severe argument with Gauguin, and then he expressed his sadness in a drastic approach by “cutting off his ear”, which is the most widely known incident. Undergoing a series of events and his unsatisfying life, Van Gogh created his best-known painting “The Starry Night” in the Saint-Paul Asylum in Saint-Rémy. The dark blue responses to his gloom, and the whirl starry light and swirl clouds depict Van Gogh’s agitation and restlessness. His painting is filled with a peaceful atmosphere, which deeply attracts every hesitating soul in the dream of life not to stop looking at it. 

The “Van Gogh Alive- Immersive Art Expo” has arrived Taiwan in 2020 for the first time; it moves Van Gogh’s classic masterpieces out of the art museum for people to experience the painting, such as “The Starry Night”, “Sunflowers”, and “Wheatfield with Crows”, as well as about 3,000 valuable images of sketches and letters. Through modern technology that can transform them into dynamic images, the frames of paintings are displayed on the 5-meters tall giant screen, which is as tall as a three-story building, to create a magic space that is out of touch with reality. With the flowing lights and shadows that surround the venue, visitors are led to stroll in Van Gogh’s painting, a revolutionary experience of the extremely glamorous beauty created by Van Gogh.

“Van Gogh Alive” is Taiwan’s first immersive digital art exhibit that takes a world-famous classic painter as the theme. In recent years, immersive digital art experience has become a full-on trend. In order to present the best visual effect, a very cautious approach to the site selection has been adopted; including the size, scale ratio, and height of the venue, all specifications exceed official requirements. Rob Kirk works on behalf of Grande Exhibitions, which is Australia’s famous exhibition curator and authorized to display Van Gogh’s artworks; he indicated, “The expo in Taiwan, which is one of the international touring exhibition over the years, has the best venue that completely presents Van Gogh’s impact on art.” The expo has adopted SENSORY4™, a unique system developed by Grande Exhibitions; it has combined more than 40 high-definition projectors with cinema-quality surround sound and an enormous screen up to 6 meters high in the creation of an extremely beautiful space with varieties.

Along with the flowing displays of Van Gogh’s artworks on the screen, the background music of the exhibition is composed by the master musicians including Liszt, Vivaldi, Franz Schubert, and Bach; what making the visitors more surprised is the various fragrances diffused at the site on the way strolling through Dutch, Arles, St.-Rémy, Auvers-Sur-Oise, where are the places related to Van Gogh’s life and art creation. These fragrances are varied from the base note, the middle note, and the final note. The base note is with refreshing scents of citrus, green grass, etc.; the middle note is with floral scents of lavender and common sage; the final note is with warm scents of wood, musk, and amber. At the same time when people are having visual and audio enjoyment, the expo uses different fragrances to activate the sense of smell for brain stimulation as well as make visitors more impressed on the expo. At the “Van Gogh Alive- Immersive Art Expo”, people can actually “sense” the European atmosphere in the 19th century, and the trendy technological art form leads visitors directly “walk into the paintings” for exploring Van Gogh’s aesthetic achievements that go beyond generations.

Besides the major 2 projected display areas that bring visitors extraordinary audio and lighting experiences that go beyond vision, there’s a static area introducing 13 pieces of the most popular artworks, including “Sunflowers”, “The Starry Night”, “Wheatfield with Crows”, “Almond Blossom”, and “The Red Vineyard”; visitors will be guided to the journey of Van Gogh’s short but eventful life. Through the “La Chambre à butts”, the last two years of creation before Van Gogh’s death is reappeared at the site, and the visitors are made to step into the classic painting and leave an impressive memory.

“Van Gogh Alive- Immersive Art Expo” that lasts nearly 3 months has kicked off from January 15 until April 5 on the 6th floor of the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place A11; And, the expo will arrive Kaohsiung and starts from April 18 to July 12, 2020, at The International Art Performance Center on the 10th floor of the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Zuoying Store. People who love Van Gogh and readers who are into the arts can experience these extremely impressive art creations by Van Gogh.


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