林心如|完美製作人 The Perfect Producer


Ruby made her debut at the age of 17. Her youthful appearance is still being broadcast on TV. Until today, she has been involved in the theatrical circles for decades, and has won the Best Producer from multiple awards. Behind her youthful appearance, she has the character as a leader, decisive and introverted. In the near future, we’ll be excited to see more forthcoming productions from her.


回想起剛到中國拍戲時,那樣大的場面與劇組規模,當時的三個導演、三個劇組,都令演員中年紀最小的林心如眼睛為之一亮,遠在他鄉時的空檔期間,只是偶爾會與親戚去上海的外灘走走。而在轉眼的幾年間,樂於挑戰的林心如,擔起製作人的身分,著手引領了400人的龐大拍攝團隊,她說:「自己很開心也很幸運遇到有默契的團隊,不管是在分工或是時間掌握上都非常順利。」在創立個人工作室之後,便開始了馬不停蹄地探索戲劇題材,已經獲得多次獲得最佳製作人獎項,她說:「一部戲劇受到大家的歡迎及熱烈討論,是身為一個製作人的成就感,那是非常非常的開心,獲得最佳戲劇比我個人入為女主角還開心!」而在接下來即將上映的電影作品《Miss Andy迷失安狄》,遠赴馬來西亞拍攝,在開拍前也籌備了多年,而整部電影是從一則英國新聞得到啟發,林心如說不同於電視劇的美好結局,《Miss Andy迷失安狄》是為一些生活比較不容易的人發聲,電影還是蠻反映一些現實,想給大家看到一些不一樣的東西。事業充實的她,下半年準備開拍《華燈初上》的電視劇,是在敘述一個1988年於六條通的一個故事,目前現在做前期籌備,也是繼《16個夏天》之後就一直在醞釀的戲劇,她非常期待能帶領觀眾,透過戲劇的角度穿越時空,翻閱不一樣的背景故事。去年林心如開始在世新大學就讀傳播管理碩士班,重返校園生活的純樸與種種,像是上演另一個角色,雖然在過去有許多實戰經驗,但是許多管理方面、組織理論、行銷及高階經理人,都令她收益良多,今年也因為疫情改為線上授課,也絲毫不影響她好學的心。在戲劇這個領域,林心如精益求精,享受在工作及學業帶來的挑戰與智慧,追尋更完美的自己。




步入婚姻後的林心如,現在育有一個3歲多的女兒,從小耳濡目染的她,也跟媽媽情投意合地喜歡Hello Kitty,回憶自己因為在女兒剛出生時,想要一件Hello Kitty的包屁衣,沒想到與品牌聯名推出後,受到大家熱烈的迴響。當了媽媽之後,林心如坦承以往喜愛與朋友相聚的自己,現在變成了一位歸心似箭的媽媽,下班後就想陪女兒吃飯,最近回家第一件事是「先洗手」,並換上家裡衣服後,再抱抱她親親她,假日也想帶女兒出去踏青走走。林心如說跟女兒在一起每一天都是有趣又好玩,像是最進女兒開始模仿起大人,早上起床後,會走到她身邊,摸頭親她,哄她繼續入睡,連去洗手間都要被管,女兒會用奶音說:「妳不能起來,妳要睡覺!」然後就會關掉浴室的燈說:「妳要在黑矇矇的地方睡覺!」逗得她哈哈大笑。連林心如在上英文課時,都要拿起另一支耳機,跟老師用流利的英文自我介紹打招呼,讓她的生活總是充滿驚奇與溫暖。其實林心如還有另外一位「女兒」,是她救濟了近6年的一位非洲女孩,兩年前初次見到她,林心如先給她一個大大的擁抱,不禁感慨說原來她當年的女孩已經14歲長大了,正在上學及打工賺零用錢,她感受到自己付出的一點點,居然能幫助她的整個家庭,甚至改變她之後的一生,其實有時候是舉手之勞,也呼應大家在自己有能力時,不妨投入公益,或許可以帶給人生不一樣的收穫。回歸到家庭生活,最近在節目上與好姊妹Melody一起烹飪,身為老婆與媽媽的她,平時也不忘在空閒的時候,為家人煮上一道愛心料理,平時最擅長的其實是煲湯,但最近最得意的拿手料理是「烤雞」,執行力與行動力十足的她說,只要看著食譜或YouTube影片,變能端出一道色香味俱全的好菜。在製作戲劇的林心如,喜歡摸索不一樣的題材,在回歸家庭的林心如,總被女兒逗得不亦樂乎,無論是生了一個漂亮的女兒,或是精彩動人的戲劇,她都是一位完美的製作人。

Seeing Through One’s Heart

Looking back on the first filming in China, Ruby, as the youngest actress, was impressed by such a huge team and the scale of the crew. Far away from home, she occasionally took a walk on the bund in Shanghai with relatives during the break. Within a few years, Ruby Lin, who was willing to take on the challenge, acted as the producer and led a huge filming team of 400 people. She said, “I was very happy and lucky to meet a team with a tacit understanding, the team is very efficient no matter in collaboration or in time arrangement.” After setting up her own studio, she began to explore the subject matter of drama continuously. Ruby has won the Best Producer from multiple awards. “A play being popular among audience and causing a heated discussion was a sense of achievement as a producer. That was a super happy thing. Winning the Best Producer Award was even happier than myself being nominated for the Best Actress,” she said. The upcoming film Miss Andy was shot in Malaysia, and had taken many years of preparations before the shooting day. The whole movie was inspired from a British news. “Unlike the happy ending in most TV series, “Miss Andy” speaks for those who experience a hard time in life. This movie reflects the reality, and I expect to bring to the audience something different,” she added. With her fulfilling career, Ruby has already scheduled the filming of 華燈初上 in the 2nd half of the year, a TV series telling about a story that happened in Rokuiyodori in 1988. This TV series is currently in the pro-phase preparation and is the one being in the making right after The Way We Are. She is looking forward to traveling through time with the audience and reading various stories from the perspectives of filming. Last year, Ruby began her Master’s studies in Communication Management in Shih Hsin University. Back to the campus life and being a student is just like taking another role. Although she’d gained lots of experiences, the courses such as management, organization theory and marketing management have given her enormous benefits. Due to Coronavirus epidemic, all courses go online this year, but still she’s full of passion for learning. In film and TV series industry, Ruby is upbeat with her specialty. She enjoys the challenges and wisdom that school and work has brought that she thirsts for an even bigger dream.

Memories with jewelry

Whether in dress or in casual outfit, Ruby Lin always has her unique style. Fashion can be simple to her, just like her bold personality. She likes wearing one piece, or a tailored and high-quality T-shirt with jeans. A pair of cool sneakers, belts, and handbags are her favorite fashion items. On the shooting day, Ruby paid special attention to the rings worn on her fingers. Bracelets and rings always attract her attention while walking into the jewelry boutique every time. She also adores small, delicate earrings and single diamonds earrings. While talking about jewelry accessories, she immediately recall her the first memories with jewelry, “the first jewelry was a diamond ring that my mom gave me when I turned 20. I still keep it and wear it on different occasions. I believe that the right jewelry can maintain their value and can be passed down,” Ruby smiled and said. “So now whenever I buy jewelry, I will convince myself that it’s worthy and I will pass them on to my daughter anyway!” Ruby Lin has the smile like a girl, and maintains the body shape and skin perfectly. She secretly reveals her lots of maintenance tips at home. She’s willing to try all new equipment recommended by her makeup artists, including the functions for skin tightening, edema, brightening…etc. Skin maintenance can be done while watching TV at the same time. As for body building, Aerial yoga, her favorite sport, requires a lot of core muscles. The beautiful stretching poses on an Instagram post will at least take one minute to hold in front of the camera. In the future, she’s also happy to trying different sports, for example, a newly opened belly dance class in her studio.

The longing to return home

After marriage, Ruby Lin has a daughter of more than 3 years old. She has been influenced by her mother since childhood. Both of them are Hello Kitty fans. Recalling that when her daughter was born, she was eager to find a Hello Kitty bodysuit. Therefore, she and the brand jointly launched the product which had unexpectedly been well received. After becoming a mother, Ruby confesses that she used to love hanging out with friends, but now she is a mother longing to return home after work. The first thing she arrives home is “washing hands” and putting on home wear before hugging and kissing her daughter. During weekends, she just wants to go for an outing with her daughter. Every day with her has so much fun. For example, her daughter has recently started mimicking adults by walking up to her in the morning, touching her on the head, kissing her face, and coaxing her back to sleep. Even when going to the bathroom, her daughter would say in a creamy voice, “you can’t get up. You need to sleep!” Then she would turn off the bathroom light and say, “you must sleep in the dark!” These made her laugh so hard. Another time when Ruby was on call for English class, her daughter would pick up another airpods and introduce herself to the teacher in fluent English, which filled her life full of surprise and warmth. In fact, Ruby Lin has another “daughter”, a 14-year-old African girl depending on her relief for nearly six years. Ruby met her two years ago for the first time and gave her a big hug. The girl has grown up, goes to school and has a part-time job to support her family. Ruby’s little effort not only helps the girl’s entire family, but even changes her life. She suggests everyone to devote something to public welfare in your own ability, which may bring you different perspectives in life. Recently, Ruby and her friend Melody got on the TV show and cooked together. As a wife and mother, she enjoys cooking for her family at leisure time. She’s good at stewing soup, but lately she’s proud of her new recipe “grilled chicken.” Ruby is a person full of execution and motivation. As long as looking at the recipe or YouTube video, she has confidence to serve a delicious dish. While filming, Ruby likes to explore different themes; while returning to her family, she enjoys being amused by her daughter. Whether giving birth to a beautiful daughter or producing a great film, Ruby Lin is no doubt a charismatic leader.


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