Dior|傾情守護 幸運時時相伴 Guardian of Love, Ensures You’ll Always Enjoy Good Luck

近期為慶祝Dior珠寶創意總監Victoire de Castellane入主20 週年,Dior珠寶帶來全新系列作品Mimirose。以Rose des Vents系列珠寶為藍本創作而成,象徵生命中的明亮時刻,陣容集結戒指、耳環、手鍊與幸運符式樣項鍊等新系列輕珠寶,優雅紀錄日常點滴珍貴,點亮迪奧冬日美好時光。

精美飾物巧妙揉合鏈墜與先前締造過熱潮的minioui單鑲寶石超微型珠寶,搭配Rose des Vents 邊緣穀粒鑲嵌(grain setting)這兩種是設計師本人最為鍾愛代表性設計手法,完整呈現了全新巧思下Mimirose輕珠寶系列。除了滿載守護意味的美鑽黃K 金、玫瑰金以及紅寶石或祖母綠等珍稀寶石,還有Victoire一手創造的幸運符珠寶系列,輕盈設計仿若柔軟蕾絲,如同細膩親密的守護者,可單只或成對佩戴,無拘於場合或穿戴的限制,只想透過閃耀美鑽,展現一個最美的你。

“Being superstitious by nature, I would always look around for a piece of wood to touch.”Recently, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Victoire de Castellane, as the creative director of Dior jewelry, Dior Jewelry is introducing a new series called Mimirose. It is created based on the Rose des Vents series jewelry, symbolizing the brightest moments in life. The lineup includes a new series of light jewelry with rings, earrings, bracelets and lucky charm-style necklaces, to elegantly record the preciousness of daily life and light your life up with Dior for wonderful winter days.

The exquisite ornaments are cleverly blended between the pendant and the minioui single-set gem ultra-miniature jewelry which created such a craze before, in Rose des Vents grain settings. These two are the designer’s favorites and most representative design techniques, and they fully present the new ingenious Mimirose light jewelry series. In addition to the precious diamonds, yellow K gold, rose gold, and precious gems such as rubies or emeralds that are full of the spirit of a protective guardian, there is also a lucky charm amulet jewelry series created by Victoire. The light design resembles soft lace, as a delicate and intimate guardian. The pieces can be worn single or wear them in pairs, there are no restrictions to occasions for wearing, perfect anytime you just want to show off the most beautiful you through sparkling diamonds.


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