幸運珠寶牛轉乾坤 The Lucky Jewelry: New Year, New Destiny

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang


Shakespeare once said, “Jewels often in their silent kind, more than quick words do move a woman’s mind.” Old is replaced by the new, so let’s go back to the moment when an inspiration sparks in the mind of a designer, when an impeccable craftsmanship begins in the hands of the artisan. With the unwavering love and affection, entrust the heartfelt blessing and the genuine hope for wellbeing with the lucky jewelry—it is the time to embrace your good fortune along with the arrival of a new year.

蕭邦Happy Spirit圓滿幸運符

回憶起兒時遊戲的童趣,如被拋入水中的石子輕拂水面,漾起層層漣漪,生命承載著永恆的喜悅,幸運珠寶以優雅靈動之姿延續恆久不息的生命律動,Happy Spirit系列以快樂雋永不息的鑽石為中心,周圍重重環繞經典同心圓圖案,融合滑動鑽石設計,對佩戴者而言含有圓滿幸運之意。Happy Spirit系列推出不同尺寸的項鏈和墜飾,根據尺寸大小,點綴一至三顆的滑動鑽石,均被層層嵌套的各個圓環精心保護著。在民族文化的融合之中,「圓」是永恆的象徵,奇妙的偶然性與生動靈趣相結合,滑動鑽石翩翩起舞,將層層漣漪化為別緻的圓環設計,這個雋永不息的多元文化符號象徵女性繁衍生命力的喜悅與活力。

Reminisce how fun were the childhood games and the way the tossed stones skipped on water, creating ripples followed by ripples. Life bears a timeless joy that is manifested through the lucky jewels as the elegant, agile shine continues the forever, prosperous rhythm of life. Chopard’s Happy Spirit collection focuses on the diamond’s enduring happiness by surrounding it with layers of the classic concentric circles and the dancing diamond design—creating a symbol of a fulfilling fortune to the wearer. The Happy Spirit collection comes with jewelries of various sizes. From the smallest to the largest, the dancing diamonds are nestled safely and soundly within the concentric circles. In folk culture, “circles” are emblems of eternity. By perfectly combining the magical spontaneity and vivid spirituality, the dancing diamonds begin waltzing on the ripples of the infinite circles—a timeless motif of the blissful and energetic feminine vitality. 

DE BEERS歌頌生命新起點

清晨時分,露珠凝聚於花瓣的純淨景致,寓意嶄新開始及無限可能。Dewdrop 系列精緻的鑽石排完美捕捉光芒,獻上對大自然之美的無限敬意,同時提供充滿新意的造型選擇。四款Dewdrop 18K白金鑽石珠寶新作,為此系列增添了雋永而現代、多變且百搭的特質。Dewdrop 耳骨夾體現了將鑽石珠寶融入日常造型的概念,其俏皮的設計是 De Beers 繼 Horizon 耳骨夾後,同類作品中所推出的第二款設計,可隨心佩戴於耳部任何位置。Dewdrop 單行手環鑲嵌有總重逾 1 克拉的密釘微鑲鑽石與包鑲鑽石。同樣呈現露珠般的鑽石設計,Dewdrop 項鍊共鑲嵌總重約4.60克拉的鑽石。而全新的 Dewdrop 圓牌吊墜項鍊則以時髦摩登的風格,完美詮釋了De Beers標誌性的圓牌吊墜設計,總重0.58克拉的鑽石彷彿一顆顆露珠滴落於其精緻的輪廓中。

Dusk arrives as the morning dewdrop clings to the edge of each pristine flower petal—an allegory of new beginnings and infinite possibilities. De Beers’s Dewdrop collection captures the flawless shine of the brilliant diamonds and pays homage to the cosmic beauty of mother nature with a wide range of exciting design choices. Four new different Dewdrop jewels in 18K white gold add a touch of timelessness to the collection’s modern, dynamic, yet all-matching features. The ear cuffs exemplify the idea of incorporating diamond jewels into the quotidian style. After the Horizon ear cuffs, the brand reinterprets its playful design by launching a second line that can be worn anywhere on the ear as you wish. While the Dewdrop bracelet is inlaid with a total of 1 carat micropavé and larger bezel-set diamonds, the Dewdrop necklace is set with the same dew-like diamond design of 4.60 carats. Last but not least, the brand new Dewdrop medallion of 0.58 carats diamonds perfectly captures the modernly chic design of De Beers’s iconic medallion, glistening like dewdrops caught falling on the exquisite silhouettes.



Select a mark of allure and transfigure it into the ceremony right in front of your eyes as a gentle reminder. In 2021, JADEGIA welcomes the year of the Ox, along with the introduction of the affordable luxury line—the Dawn collection. Embellished with a border of inlaid diamonds, jade is the brand’s main gemstone, transforming into a speck of sunlight and radiating this breathtaking elegance amidst the light-weighted stones. Exquisite, elegant, but also lukewarmly gentle—the cabochon jades come in green, red, and white, the vibrant colors each representing its own temperament. The trim of brilliant diamonds scintillate with sparkles symbolizing the new year’s blessing and embodying the dreams, hopes, aspirations of a wonderful life. Intricately crafted with a minimalist design, the jades become emblems of the wake of dawn, the calling of the exciting new day. The perfect combination of youthful beauty and simplicity—the Dawn collection can be worn casually or elegantly, depending on your choice, making it the top selection for the newcomers to the fashionable realm of luxurious jades.


喜悅的鐘聲敲響了歡愉感恩季節,MIKIMOTO將珍貴心意和祝福寄寓於作品之中,豐富每個人對於夢幻幸福的美麗綺想。以輕柔優美的羽毛幻化成優美珠寶,全新MIKIMOTO Feather Collection羽毛系列作品,詮釋經典珠寶設計羽毛元素,與珍珠交織出優雅溫潤的美麗意象,同時蘊含了人類對飛翔的渴望,心境澎湃、自由翱翔。羽毛,自古便是珠寶設計中廣為使用的經典符號,常被用在帝王貴族的頭飾上。以鑽石羽毛包覆著珍珠,好比孕育著重要的生命、守護著純粹而珍貴的愛,意象鮮明且寓意深遠。星光閃耀夜空Starry Night系列珠寶傳達人們在星空下許願時的感動,並祝福每一個祈願都能被實現,作品以日本Akoya珍珠配以鑽石,意境好比白雪皚皚附著在聖誕花圈上,包覆著象徵圓滿幸福的珍珠,夜空中閃耀最美的一抹星光。

As the joyful bells chime in celebration of the delightful holidays of gratitude, MIKIMOTO entrusts its most heartfelt wishes with its jewelry work, fulfilling the collective fascination towards happiness and fantasy. Transfiguring the soft feathers into the graceful jewelry pieces, the brand new Feather Collection reimagines the classic feather design and weaves it with pearls to create this elegant, tranquil evocation of beauty; at the same time, charged with human being’s desire to soar in the sky, pumping with excitement, free of any restraints. With a long history of being a universal symbol, feathers have appeared in many jewelry designs and commonly showed up on the head accessories worn by royalty. Pearls nestled safely in the feathers of diamonds—it becomes a meaningful token for nurturing new lives, the protection of the purest form of love. The Starry Night collection delivers the touching moment of wish-making under the starry sky and sincerely hopes for all to be granted true. Each piece consists of the Akoya pearls and diamonds, like the beautiful imagery of snowflakes latching onto the Christmas wreath—wrapping the pearl of fulfilling joy and transcending into the brightest star amidst the dark sky.

Van Cleef & Arpels 許下幸運之願

女子心中夢幻珠寶品牌Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅寶詩意細訴時間的流轉,光陰點滴荏苒,以四葉幸運草聞名,象徵對日常美好的祝福,走過50個年頭創造出Alhambra系列長項鍊,把20枚縐紋金質四葉圖騰,以金色圓珠細意圍攏,構成完美和諧的幸運象徵。據說靈感源自西班牙阿爾罕布拉宮的磚牆花紋,四片葉子分別代表四種不同的幸運:名譽、財富、愛情和健康,四葉幸運圖騰從此成為世界通行的幸運標記。Van Cleef & Arpels揮灑匠心造詣,以深邃的紋理勾勒太陽日冕,Magic Alhambra 璣鏤雕花黃K金長項鍊透現奪目光彩,浮雕效果若隱若現,璀璨光芒閃爍不息,而Vintage Alhambra黃K金戒指新作則與長項鍊完美相襯,於腕上綻放奪目華彩。

“To be lucky, you have to believe in luck.” Every woman’s dream, Van Cleef & Arpels poetically narrates the passing of time—second by second, minute by minute—and is known for the four leaf clover that symbolizes the wonderful, daily blessings. First created fifty years ago, the Alhambra collection long necklace is adorned with 20 clover-shaped motifs in creased yellow gold and trimmed with delicate gold beads. Rumor has it the collection is inspired by the wall patterns of Alhambra palace in Spanish; the cloves each symbolizes four different fortunes—stature, wealth, love, and health—and becomes a worldly emblem of luck. Van Cleef & Arpels’s artisans channel their remarkable ingenuity of creativity and craftsmanship through metaphorical sketches of the blazing sun with profound texture. The Magic Alhambra guilloché yellow K gold long necklace glistens with an eye-catching glimmer that doesn’t waver, the relief effect looming with subtleness. Meanwhile, the new Vintage Alhambra yellow K gold ring perfectly echoes the iconic long necklace and adds a dazzling touch to the wearer’s hand. 


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