自然元素 動物王國 Welcome to the Animal Kingdom

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang

In this upcoming season, the tenderness of fur and the variation of animal patterns are weaved into a grand jungle celebration. The wild leopard print, the flow of fabrics, the jungle camo patterns-everything is coming back in this early autumn. Under this visual illusion, let us embark on this passionate journey that celebrates Mother Nature and the full bloom of livelihood. 

Christian Dior 2021 早秋女裝系列。



Dior女裝暨配件創意總監 Maria Grazia Chiuri 為宣揚普普藝術風尚,像是回到最自由叛逆的年代下,將強烈且鮮豔的色彩以及螢光色系帶入此次拍攝風格內,狂野時髦的豹紋風采蔓延至經典Bar Jacket 、 Lady D-Lite 提包與 Book 托特包,透過鏡頭展現出隨性不羈、樂觀狂歡的喜悅之情,向迪奧先生盡情享受生活的人生哲學致敬。

The Untamed Leopard Print 

Is the leopard print that everyone was crazy about back in the ’80s coming back? Dior’s Pre-Fall 2021 collection gave us a good answer. The leopard print trend has never stopped ever since its introduction in 1950 and has always found its way back in fashion ever since. Animal prints not only subvert the soft and tender image associated with women, their wild beauty also make a modern woman appear more capable and domineering. In the ’80s, the iconic leopard print even became a cultural representation of Rock ‘n Roll and synonymous with freedom and rebellion. 

To celebrate the 70’s Pop art and artists like Andy Warhol, Richard Hamilton, Dior’s creative director Maria Grazia Chiuri decided to introduce more lively, neon colors into this new collection to pay homage to the most carefree and rebellious era of our time.

The chic and wild animal prints can be seen on the classic Bar Jacket, Lady D-Lite, and Dior Book tote. As each stunning piece radiates with this unrestrained, joyful excitement, the Dior Pre-Fall collection also pays tribute to the “carpe diem” life philosophy of Monsieur Dior. 



Burberry 首席創意總監 Riccardo Tisci。
BURBERRY 2021 秋冬女裝秀圖。

前幾季的流蘇似乎還不夠滿足時尚快速更迭的胃口,2021秋冬在毛絨與流蘇的結合下,變化出了更多毛絨風格,Salvatore Ferragamo 更將雪白且細碎的流蘇宛如飄逸的翅膀般綻放。而此次回歸動物王國的BURBERRY以柔軟的人造皮草嬉戲交錯於現代摩登與自然之間,在這場秀中包款絕對是大家目不轉睛的重點,在毛皮下的強烈視覺,加上兔子形體的描繪,在毛絨外套、包款上大放異彩,且在重新詮釋的人造水貂皮和捲曲皮草製成的休閒大衣悠遊,像是一場於摩登城市中的森林派對。

The Flowing Fringes 

“The AW21 womenswear collection is a love letter to women and a celebration of their incomparable strength.”

BURBERRY’s chief creative director Riccardo Tisci. 

The fringing from previous seasons appear to be not enough to satisfy the fast-changing fashion. Combining fur and fringe, the AW21 season presents us with a diverse style. In Salvatore Ferragamo’s winter 2021 show, we see the snow-white fringes swaying on the sky blue suit like wings roaming through the sky. Inspired by Mother Nature and using only faux fur, BURBERRY plays around with modernity and naturalism. In its AW21 womenswear show, the bags are definitely the center of everyone’s attention with their strong visual and distinctive rabbit shape. As we wander around with the brilliant bags and the amazing faux fur trench coats, a jungle party unravels right in front of our eyes and in this modern city. 


VERSACE 2021早秋系列。

墨綠色的迷彩意象,跟著叢林奇航的魅力,潛入深藏的亞馬遜。此次秋冬結合著摩登現代與原始叢林,一步步走向荒山野嶺卻又時髦至極。Versace 2021早秋系列講究剪裁,採用嶄新的輪廓形態,並以意想不到的方式結合各種布料及色彩,以卡其咖啡色及鮮藍色拼出獨特的Baroccoflage迷彩圖案,現代感俐落的剪裁搭配上粗獷狂野的迷彩,呈現出鮮明時髦的對比。


A Jungle Adventure

Sink in the dark green visuals, follow the charm of a jungle adventure, and enter the enchanting Amazon. This autumn-winter season, modernity is combined with the primitive jungle without losing any sense of fashion or groove. Versace’s 2021 Pre-Fall collection exudes a strong and assertive appeal and focuses on a brand new tailoring. Colors and fabrics are paired in surprising ways, with khaki brown patched with bright blue to make the distinctive Baroccoflage motif. The sleek and modern tailoring clashes with the wild camo print to bring out a bright, fashionable contrast. Adorned with the brand’s iconic Medusa emblem, the camouflage print bags radiate with this bold but delicate beauty under all the wild style. Meanwhile, to achieve sustainability, every piece of the collection is also made with eco-friendly fabrics as a part of Versace’s ongoing commitment to become a more sustainable brand. 


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