食志不渝|讓我們做醫護人員的後盾 Let Us Be Your Strongest Support

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang

隨著全國三級警戒已超過一個月,所有餐飲業者都面臨著斷崖式的困境。即使如此,許多業者仍勇敢挺進抗疫前線,只為了替辛苦的醫護人員們遞上一份溫暖的餐點。被譽為「抗疫女神」的賈永婕,於 6月1號起,號召了藝人朋友們和20多家餐廳夥伴,每天到不同的醫療機構替這些前線的醫護人員送上100份便當。如點亮黑暗中的一盞明燈,共體時艱一同守護這些抗疫英雄,做他們最暖心又堅強的後盾。



這是「彩虹熱狗」老闆 Stephanie 一直以來堅信的理念,也是這個信念讓她決定將之前愛心認購玩具計畫所募到之款項,轉化為一份份彩虹熱狗的套餐,送到醫護人員和警消單位的手中。堅持製作無添加任何加工食品的健康餐點,「彩虹熱狗」希望能以食物作為管道,將自身的心意和每一位捐贈者的愛心送給第一線的防疫人員們。如同餐廳標誌上的那道傳遞祝福的彩虹,Stephanie 相信以愛、鼓勵和彼此的守護,是在這個困難的時刻裡她唯一能做,也盡力去做的事情。











With a nationwide level three lockdown going on for over a month, restaurant workers are all facing this drastic predicament. Regardless, many still choose to step up and help by delivering warm meals for all the hardworking medical workers on the frontline. Starting from June 1st, a devotee to charity, Janet Chia gathered numerous of her celebrity friends and over 20 restaurants. Together, they have visited different hospitals to deliver 100 meals everyday to support these frontline medical staff. Like a beacon in the darkness, our community comes together to protect these heroes in the pandemic and aspires to be their strongest, most heartwarming support.

Restaurant Shanghai Shanghai working on their bento box delivery.

An Original Manifestation

“See your own responsibility in the need of others.” This is what the owner of Rainbow Hotdog, Stephanie, always believed in. It also inspired her to turn all the donations from her previous charity project into Rainbow Hotdog meals that will be sent to the hands of medical workers, police officers and firefighters. Insisting on making healthy meals without using any processed foods, Rainbow Hotdog hopes to use food as a medium to spread their devotion and the kindness of all donors to the hardworking frontline workers. Like the rainbow that delivers blessings, Stephanie believes that love, encouragement and mutual protection are the only things she can do and will try her best to do amidst this difficult time.

Spreading Love and Kindness

After inviting Rainbow Hotdog to join her project, Janet did not hesitate to gather many others to help; the next day, Peng Yuan Gourmet & Banquet, a long-established Hunan restaurant, joined the project as well. In response to the pandemic and COVID-19 guidelines, Peng Yuan’s wedding banquet business is now temporarily on pause. Although they are unable to host any wedding banquets at the moment, they continue to make these dishes meant for spreading happiness and send them to the frontline, in the hopes of warming the hearts and stomachs of medical workers.

Besides making visually pleasing meals that are rich in color and flavor, the chefs at Peng Yuan also made sure to use high protein and fiber ingredients that will provide sufficient nutrition and energy. Peng Yuan even added little notes on the bento boxes with messages like, “You guard our front line, we guard your stomach!” and “We will wear our masks properly so you can rest without it.” On each card, the lines are filled with warmth, appreciation and gratitude.

With Warming Intentions

Taipei Marriott Hotel’s nutritious and flavorful meals for the frontline medical workers.

Understanding when the medical workers are doing their jobs, the time and space for eating are very limited, Taipei Marriott Hotel specially asked their chef to design meals that not only are heat resistant, but are also not overly soupy to make sure that the food is not inconvenient to have. Making sure the meals are nutritious and healthy, the chefs at Marriott decided to serve roasted chicken instead of deep-fried ones and stir fried tofu instead of ones drizzled in sauce, in the hopes of providing delicious but also convenient meals for these medical workers. Meanwhile, a long-time advocate for benefiting foundations like Shan Shui Foundation and R.O.C Child and Senior Care Association, Shanghai Shanghai also joined Janet’s charitable project. Taking the initiative by reaching out immediately, they hope that these delicious dishes can cheer these frontline heroes up and provide them with support, adding a touch of beautiful warmth amidst this difficult time.

Shanghai Shanghai prepares braised meatballs with soy sauce and General Tso’s chicken for the medical workers.

Against the Current

Contrary to the usual bento style on the market, Stoned Kitchen combines a Western business model with the Taiwanese bento culture. Having recently just celebrated their one year anniversary, they are now facing the challenges of the pandemic. Despite that, Stoned Kitchen still joined forces with Janet without any hesitation. “We understand that a lot of medical workers actually don’t have time to get a proper meal or even take off their gowns just to grab a quick bite, so we felt like it was necessary to step in and help out.” Following their brand concept of finding the most “original” taste of Taiwan, Stoned Kitchen wishes to give back to society with what they have. Not afraid of getting infected and continuing to do what others are unwilling to do, they simply want to support these medical staff with action. As if channeling that initial belief when they first started their business, Stoned Kitchen expresses their gratitudes for these white-clothed angels with the purest conviction and practical actions.


📍 彩虹熱狗 Rainbow Hotdog
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路316號
電話: 0963-63-66-77

📍 彭園 台北館
地址: 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段297號5F
電話: 02-2528-8122

📍 台北萬豪酒店
地址: 台北市中山區樂群二路199號
電話: 02-8502-9999

📍 紅豆食府 信義店
地址: 台北市松壽路9號7F
電話: 02-8789-2929
其他分店詳見紅豆食府官網: https://www.shanghaishanghai.tw/Page/Home/Index.aspx

📍 食炵廚房 Stoned Kitchen
地址: 台北市松山區南京東路四段52巷8號之一
電話: 02-2579-1266


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