居家運動 Home Fitness

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang


走在街頭或是觀看美式影集當中,都可以看到充滿自信又時髦的紐約客們,於上班前的一個小時中在街頭慢跑、在健身房裡賣力運動。那些街頭運動風潮早已印入大眾眼簾,以活力四射取代庸碌的早晨。超模Karlie Kloss再次與adidas合作,汲取大地生命能量擁抱環保永續推出 2021秋冬聯名系列,以大自然獲得設計靈感注入永續環保概念,使用全新PRIMEGREEN與PRIMEBLUE環保回收面料,結合Karlie Kloss超模專屬的運動及時尚美感,推出運動內衣、運動緊身褲、運動背心、長版上衣、造型寬褲、時尚車褲、風衣外套等等,並同時推出近期風靡時尚圈的五分運動緊身車褲!在一整個視覺當中以象徵生命與能量的綠色、黑色與沉穩大地色為主,讓舒適的視覺效果蔓延於運動本身。


即便遇上疫情也不能阻止做夢,夏日的沙灘幻想,自由奔放的靈魂,是否也可以在室內健身運動時揮灑復古運動活力。COACH執行創意總監Stuart Vevers以玩趣活潑方式揉合品牌經典工藝與美式運動服飾元素。運動設計系列包含印有經典Signature印花的運動風T-shirt、運動上衣、運動單車短褲、尼龍風衣及短褲,靈感延續2021早秋系列的夏季公路之旅。在三位Keon Saghari、Ashley Imani與Sebeey Chi專業溜冰好手的精彩演繹中,富有滿載的動感的視覺效果,打造濃厚運動時髦風格,令人忍不住想穿上它感受靈魂的健康放縱與活力。

FENDI 與紐約視覺藝術家 Sarah Coleman 合作推出的2021夏季Vertigo 系列引發全球熱話,搶眼吸睛的配色與熱情活力的設計也為炎炎夏日增添更多青春情懷。 而FENDI也推出多張以海邊沙灘嬉戲為背景主題的時尚大片,設計精巧的男女泳裝、包款與配件、滑板在模特兒各具風情的姿勢中來回穿梭,展現非凡的時尚魅力。

除了連身泳裝與比基尼外,FENDI Vertigo系列亦有兼具時髦與大容量的Sunshine Shopper、輕巧可愛的Mon Tresor水桶包與帶有扭曲設計花紋的Packaging硬殼包,從大到小都是外出到海灘散心的必備單品。

During lockdown, stay-at-home workouts are becoming the new trend. Even as we are staying in, we should still maintain a healthy lifestyle. With its graceful movements and the emphasis on a balance between the body and mind, yoga has gained popularity around the world. In the past few years, athleisure fashion has established the sporty trend globally as the casual homewear met the outdoor summer styles, making boutique sportswear the go-to choice for a charming, fashionable look.

Green Energy

In many television series, we always see the confident and chic New Yorkers jogging or working out hard before work. The street style sports trend has become an irreplaceable icon in the minds of the audience as it kicks start the day with energy and vitality. Drawing inspiration from nature, supermodel Karlie Kloss once again collaborates with Adidas and launches the brand new sustainable AW21 collection. Incorporating natural elements with an eco-friendly concept, the collection combines high-performance recycled materials Primegreen and Primeblue with Karlie’s top-notch fashion sense.

This exclusive series comes in bra tops, leggings, tank tops, t-shirts, flared pants, running shorts, windbreakers and everyone’s latest favorite, biker shorts! With the visual combination of green, black and the calming earth tones the comfortable visual effects become a representation of life and energy.

With Freedom and Liberty

Even during the pandemic, we cannot stop dreaming about the roaming free spirits in the summer fantasy. Recreating the retro sports during our stay-at-home workouts, COACH creative director Stuart Vevers combines the brand’s classic craftsmanship and the iconic American sportswear elements in a playful and lively way. The new capsule collection includes the athletic t-shirt printed with the signature logo, sweatshirts, biker shorts, and nylon windbreakers. The retro campaign features professional roller skaters Keon Saghari, Ashley Imani and Sebeey Chi, while creating this energetic and dynamic visual effect. Rich in this athletic but fashionable style, these sporty essentials are filled with vitality and energy that is simply irresistible.

In collaboration with visual artist Sarah Coleman, FENDI SS21 Summer Vertigo collection became the talk of the year soon after its launch. Its eye-catching colors and energetic designs add a touch of youthful exuberance to this upcoming season. With the beach as the background, the campaign images feature a selection of exquisitely designed beachwear, handbags and accessories, all radiating with an extraordinary fashion charm.

Besides swimsuits and bikinis, the FENDI Summer Vertigo collection also includes the chic and functional Sunshine Shopper, the adorable Mon Tresor canvas mini bag and the Multicolor FF Vertigo stiff bag . From small accessories to big shopper bags, this exclusive collection is a must-have for the upcoming summer vacation.


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