包款配件特輯!展現完美曲線原理法則 | InStyle Principle


強調型態之間的比例、平衡、對比、節奏、韻律,按照美的視覺進行編排與組合,理性創造,感性熱愛。Emphasize the patterns between proportion, balance, contrast, rhythm, and groove, arrange and combine them accordingly to the vision of beauty, create rationally, and love sentimentally.

Bottega Veneta Wardrobe 04系列。

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Dior 2023 早春度假時裝系列。

Dior 探索西班牙塞維利亞文化重新演繹DIOR經典包款。

Dancers’ Curve

To present the soul of Spain through dance, a conscious and dynamic feminine positions, swaying under the shining red and yellow lights with passion, showing various gestures of lace, black velvet and gold thread embroidery, transformed into a crossover of emotions and intentions, like a religious ceremony, expressing the nomadic elements and their sincerity through various sounds.


「來到世間,卻未掀起波瀾者,既不值得尊敬,也不值得忍耐。」法國詩人何內‧夏爾(René Char)說。不只是製造話題,創造轟動,更是將我的名字刻著你的名字,我代表你,你代表我。

《Exquisite Gucci》秀場首次亮相adidas x Gucci聯名系列,將Gucci品牌風格融入adidas運動風格。

Burberry x Pop Trading Company


“Whoever comes to the world without making waves, is neither worth respecting nor tolerating.” said the French poet René Char. Not only to go viral or create a sensation, but also to engrave my name with your name, I represent you, and vice versa.


心理學說,灰色是連接意識和無意識的橋樑,兼有肯定和否定的兩方面含義 ; 感性說灰色基調是雕塑藝術,象徵派詩歌的憂鬱美 ; 而灰色是理性說,象徵著理性意識,高雅的色彩。那麼你的灰色是什麼?

Dior by Birkenstock

Dior by Birkenstock Tokio 迪奧灰毛氈小牛皮花卉刺繡穆勒鞋,參考定價 NT$58,000。

Gray Space

Psychology says that gray is a bridge connecting consciousness and unconsciousness, and has both positive and negative meanings; sensibility says that gray is sculptural art, symbolizing the melancholy beauty of poetry; while rationally speaking, gray symbolizes consciousness and an elegant color. How does gray mean to you?



DELVAUX 拿鐵色 Lingot 肩背包,參考定價 NT$151,300。

BVLGARI Serpentine Vertical 黑色小牛皮托特包,參考定價約 NT$80,100。
FENDI 春夏22系列 水貂毛撞色綁帶First高跟鞋,參考定價 NT$61,000。


Curve, straight line, broken line, thick line, thin line, shadow line and texture line, the accumulation of lines produces light and shadow. The needs are changing, the colors are lightly painted, and the outlines depict the turmoil and unease between the storyline and the characters. It’s written simultaneously in a sharp and soft way.


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