新能源超跑領航者 |Forerunners of New Energy

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang

While the Green Commute Initiative is entering our lives with a speed that is beyond imagination, the general public still has doubts about pure electric vehicles. New energy race cars have become the new focus that will change our ways of life. So what exactly prompted all-electric vehicles to take over the sports car market in such a short amount of time? And how are they different from regular race cars? Let us begin our exploration.

保時捷Taycan Cross Turismo新挑戰 純電動車也能越野

當老派旅行車遇上純電動,作為德國汽車工業的翹楚保時捷,如果說Panamera Sport Turismo是運動、豪華與高端生活方式的結合,那麼Taycan Cross Turismo在此基礎上還要加上「未來」與「探索」這兩個標籤。跨界旅行車的意義就是在於,擁有更高的離地間隙,能夠帶你去更遠的地方,而獨特的箱體造型則保證了內部充足的乘坐與裝載空間。為了能更好地傳達Taycan Cross Turismo所能帶給車主的生活方式,保時捷還特意開發了一款最多能裝載3輛自行車的尾部車架。

內飾方面,保時捷Taycan Cross Turismo與保時捷Mission E概念車基本保持一致,以「以駕駛者為中心」的設計理念,而跟Taycan相比,Taycan Cross Turismo後排頭部空間增高36毫米,後備箱空間也進一步加大,最大容積超過1200升,致力於將詩與遠方全部帶給你和你愛的人。不過作為一款保時捷,而且又是一款純電動車型,Taycan Cross Turismo並沒有失去保時捷的基因,即使捂住車標,相信你也能一眼辨別出這是一輛來自保時捷的產品,整車的造型能夠讓你回味到歐洲歷史上那些經典的旅行車。

When Tradition Meets Pure-Electric

If the Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo is a combination of sports and luxury lifestyle, then the Taycan Cross Turismo adds two more features— “future” and “exploration.” The wagon variant is essentially the same car with extra ground clearance, additional passenger room and increased cargo space. In order to deliver the best way of life, Porsche also added a rear mounted carrier to Taycan Cross Turismo that can hold up to three bikes. As for the interior, it aligns with the Porsche Mission E concept. Focusing on the driver’s need, this model offers slightly more headroom and a larger cargo space of over 1,200 liters, the perfect carrier for traveling with your loved ones. However, since it is still a Porsche all-electric car, Taycan Cross Turismo is highly recognizable as a mantle of the German automobile manufacturer even if you cover up its logo. This distinct model will allow you to reminisce about all the classic wagons ever created in European history.

Lotus電動超跑Evija亮相 2000匹馬力帶你賽道飛馳


通過高效的扭矩矢量控制系統,四個電動機可以在全自動控制的情況下,進行任意的動力組合。例如在過彎時,這輛車可以在行駛時賦予外側車輪更多的動力,以減少轉彎半徑,提升圈速。在此Lotus Evija將會成為史上第一款英國血統的純電Hypercar,不僅打造全球最強的動力系統,還將打造全球最快的電池充電系統,也是至今輸出最高的量產車款。或許在新能源時代下,如果將純電超跑看作是對燃油超跑的昇華,畢竟,引領全球汽車發展半個世紀的燃油超跑,依舊有他的魅力所在,而純電超跑帶著更強性能、更佳操控、更炫科技的出現,開啓了超跑領域的新篇章。

Opening a New Chapter with 2000 hp

Recently, British automotive company Lotus introduced its full electric model, the Evija, a symbol of an unprecedented existence. But how extraordinary is this model that allows Lotus to challenge other manufacturers with such confidence? With a brand new Lotus design language, the Evija is bold and highly functional. Its exaggerated exterior design is an ultimate classic, while its monocoque structure directs air through the body and generates high levels of downforce—an iconic feature that is exclusive to this new model.

The hypercar also comes with a steering wheel that resembles that of sport cars and other tech features that allow the driver to choose different driving modes. Aiming to reach 2000 horsepower, Lotus equips the Evija with four sets of electric motors and a single-speed automatic transmission that governs and sends power to all four wheels. As the first British all-electric hypercar, this model not only has the world’s best power system, but also a fast charging time that only takes 18 minutes. Perhaps in this new era of alternative energy, pure electric sports cars can be regarded as a sublimation of regular race cars that comes with more powerful functions and better handling, eventually starting the next phase in the future of race cars.

McLaren Artura新世代油電超跑。

McLaren Artura新世代油電超跑 象徵未來藝術

名字結合藝術「Art」以及未來「Future」意象, Artura作為麥拉倫第一款混合動力超跑,內外設計全面進化,結合空氣力學效益與未來感設計,大幅減少鈑件拼接,保留接近一體成型的極簡車身線條,以品牌標誌意象勾勒的車側進氣口,強化力學表現與散熱效率。全新開發的McLaren Artura 車室有別於超跑普遍的狹窄空間,設計團隊重新調整了專屬賽車座椅(Clubsports seat)的活動角度,並將操控模式切換鈕整合至可自由升降的儀表板兩側,打造全神貫注的行車感受。

此外, Artura搭載全新MIS II資訊娛樂系統,如使用智慧型手機般的操作體驗,完美銜接人車互動。在McLaren一貫追求的極致輕量化,Artura展現強勢性能與更優異動態表現,進入電能時代Artura專屬的純電模式E-mode更能滿足零排放的優雅都會駕馭需求,大膽創新的品牌底蘊激勵著McLaren造車工藝的持續進化,Artura的降臨宣告全新油電超跑Hybrid Hyper Car篇章正式啓動。

Representing the Future of Art

Combining the concept of “Art” and “Future,” Artura will become McLaren’s first hybrid supercar. Its interior demonstrates the company’s function-before-fashion approach, while its exterior showcases futuristic design combined with aerodynamic features. With minimal body shut lines and panel joints, it is made to harness airflow for maximum efficiency and heat dissipation. On the other hand, its cabin is equipped with a clubsports seat and limited presence of physical switchgear that can help drivers focus entirely on the road. The Artura also comes with an all-new infotainment and connectivity system (MIS II) that is capable of delivering a smartphone level of responsiveness and mirroring. Aiming for McLaren’s usual lightweight approach, this new model demonstrates power and perfected motivation with one of its Powertrain modes, E-mode, which fulfills zero-emissions, full-electric driving. As we progress towards a fuel-free world, the Artura is a manifestation of McLaren’s manufacturing skills and the declaration that we are entering the new chapter of hybrid supercars.


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