珠寶新視界 Glittering Autumn

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang

Hearts On Fire 點燃深秋

Hearts On Fire 點燃深秋


以全世界車工最完美的鑽石聞名,憑藉純淨璀璨美鑽風靡全球的 Hearts On Fire,2021年秋季以 Aerial Regal 系列新作與 Lorelei 系列多款深受歡迎的閃爍鑽飾,全情投入驚喜無限的美好季節。Aerial Regal 系列從大自然的力量取材,”Aerial”意指源自空中、誕生於大氣形體,舉凡輕撫的微風、溫暖的陽光、晶瑩的雨滴等變幻莫測的自然萬物,以美鑽演繹萬物奧秘;2021 新作 Aerial Regal Butterly 將美鑽化作如同天使淚光的雨滴,圓形明亮式切工透過多樣鑲嵌工法呈現欖尖、縷空等各種姿態,翩翩飛舞的蝴蝶停留其上,彷彿隨時振翅漫舞,再度展現自然元素優美動人的設計風格。而 Lorelei 系列作品則以「高級訂製服」為靈感,從全新角度演繹雋永蕾絲,定義柔美浪漫。緹花邊鑲嵌、雙弧線纏繞的姿態各有千秋,組合成精緻優雅的蕾絲圖騰,展現明朗又嬌柔的女性特質,現代簡約線條呼應蕾絲輕盈流麗的美態、優雅曲線與精巧細節,在晨光中散發柔和鑽光,展現對新旅程的冀盼。

Buccellati 繽紛靈動

Buccellati Blossoms Colour系列情境圖。

擁有百年傳奇的義大利高級珠寶品牌Buccellati延續了2011年打造的第一個銀飾珠寶系列Buccellati Blossoms以「梔子花」為最初的靈感源泉,後又融入雛菊,創意演繹花卉主題。歷經多季,在Blossoms系列誕生10周年之際,今年發佈全新Blossoms Colour作品,巧妙運用藍瑪瑙、黃瑪瑙和粉色蛋白石等彩色寶石,為經典之作注入全新色彩。雛菊因此擁有更多充滿新意的多彩詮釋:閃耀寶石包裹以鍍金底座,四周鑲嵌棕色鑽石。整體設計賦予了作品更珍貴的內涵與靈動力,令品牌標誌性的珠寶作品散發雋永美感。而Blossoms Colour雛菊新作涵蓋吊墜、手鐲、戒指、耳環和耳墜,既可單獨佩戴,也可根據個人風格搭配。絢爛的彩色寶石洋溢著夏日風情,自由浪漫的精神指引著獨樹一幟的優雅風尚。直至今日,Buccellati珠寶不僅僅因其設計和卓越手工技藝獲得全世界的青睞,更值得一提的是工坊堅持採用能夠追溯至義大利文藝復興時期的標誌性「雕刻技術」,所有系列的造型均源自有歷史手繪的圖稿和創始人Mario Buccellati的設計。

Hearts On Fire Illuminates Autumn

Illuminating the autumn nights, why hide the dashing diamonds? Known for its exquisite gemstone craftsmanship, Hearts On Fire continues to amaze us with the purest, most brilliant diamonds of the world. This fall, the Maison introduces new pieces from the Aerial Regal collection and Lorelei collection to welcome us to enter the beautiful autumn season. Drawing inspiration from mother nature, “Aerial” refers to the intangible beings of the sky—the gentle breeze, the warm sunshine and the translucent raindrops. Everything in nature is unpredictable and the Aerial Regal collection is interpreting this divine mystery through the beautiful diamonds. Transforming the angelic raindrops into actual brilliant-cut diamonds, the new Aerial Regal Butterfly presents various setting methods—marquise and hollow-out—and captures the different postures of a butterfly. As if about to take off any second, this brilliant collection once again showcases a design that is divinely moving. Meanwhile, the Lorelei collection channels its inspiration from Haute Couture and reimagines the timeless lace, a definitive emblem of a gentle romance. Together, the scallop edges and the jacquard inlay combine into one delicately designed lace totem, showcasing the bright and tender femininity. The modern design echoes with the intricate complexity of the lace and radiates with a gentle shine that becomes a hopeful aspiration for our next exciting journey.

Buccellati’s Colorful Agility

An Italian jewelry house with over 100 years of history, Buccellati continues its first silver jewelry series made in 2011, Buccellati Blossoms, which drew inspiration from the gardenia originally, and then came the daisy. The collection underwent many seasons and versions, and now, arriving at its 10th anniversary, Buccellati launches the brand new Blossoms Colour. Using blue agate, yellow agate and pink opal, the new series reimagines the classics by incorporating colorful gemstones. The daisy flower is given a new expression: the stones are surrounded by gold plated bezels set with brown diamonds, while the whole design radiates with vitality and agility, already becoming an emblem of the Maison. The Blossoms Colour daisy line comes in pendants with chains, cuff bracelets, rings and pendant earrings, a selection of different styles that can be worn individually or with other creations. Shining with a summerly feeling, the dazzling gemstones embody a liberating romance that becomes the guide to an unconventional elegance. To this day, Buccellati’s jewels are favored by the world not only for its design and excellent craftsmanship, but also for the fact that the House still uses the iconic engraving technique that originated from the Renaissance period. Tethered to Italy’s long and beautiful history, all the designs pay tribute to the hand-drawn manuscripts by the one and only jeweler, founder of the brand, Mario Buccellati.


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