頂級羽絨 vs. 時尚美學 Premium Down vs. Fashion Aesthetics


During the cold winter months, it’s difficult to fight the urge of staying home to avoid cold weather; even a hot cup of cocoa isn’t sufficient to stave off gloom and depression in the winter months. Now’s the time to warm up by wrapping yourself in warm down and brighten up your winter with outdoor activities. Conquer the frosty winter with function, unique tech aesthetics and tackle your thirst for travel easily with a beautiful down jacket.


在近幾年永續環保意識提高之下,品牌都像思考相對應的措施,冬季的面料材質也成為品牌努力研發的首選,Prada Linea Rossa相對策的首次推出獨家新型的Extreme-Tex®環保面料,並確保生產程序不造成環境汙染,能兼具防水與保暖功能外還能調節體溫。Prada再生尼龍材質加上羽絨更能對抗嚴寒,氣溫驟降時熱量會被均勻分配,而在氣溫升高時能散熱。是一款具有機能性又融合戶外運動輕便和舒適的穿著感受,尤其是具時尚造型的短版羽絨外套能輕鬆展現出獨特的美式風格。而男女裝色系聚焦以紅色、黑色、白色以及天藍色點綴在簡約的外型輪廓上,呈現出現代簡約的都市風格,主張在保暖的同時依然擁有自己的時尚態度。

Brands have been reflecting on measures to address an increased consciousness for environmental sustainability and many have invested their efforts into materials used in their winter collections. Prada Linea Rossa premiered their exclusive sustainable material Extreme-Tex® that can thermoregulate body temperature, provide water resistance, and does not generate any pollution during manufacturing. The material equally distributes body heat based on external temperatures by dissipating heat when it is warm and trapping it in during lower temperatures. The functional and lightweight material provides optimal comfort in the outdoors and the fashionable short down jackets are a perfect exhibit of unique American style. The simple red, black, white, and azure colors printed on the jacket’s simple contours presents a modern minimalistic urban style the exemplifies an individual’s fashion sense while keeping warm.


Moncler以一件修飾線條感以及充滿細膩度的羽絨讓人情不自禁就掉入Elsa的冰雪世界,不僅是將蓬鬆的羽絨外表轉變為兼具保暖與修身的輪廓,更是選自法國布列塔尼南部和佩里戈爾的頂級羽絨,將時尚與保暖機能緊密結合。近幾年也積極與世界各地的設計師發表Moncler Genius系列合作,將羽絨顛覆傳統舊理念。本季由設計師Jonathan Anderson 以抽象、優雅的方式融合了Moncler專業工藝以及簡練的設計,包含鉚釘浮雕圖案又或是充滿田園印象的繽紛印花,證明了它不僅是一件具機能性的羽絨衣更是以藝術載體的形式打造充滿時尚創意的現代藝術。

Regardless of trying to keep It’s difficult not to fall into the frozen world of Elsa with Moncler’s tailored and intricate down jackets. The soft, premium down is selected from Bretagne in Southern France and Périgord, combining them with functional fashion to offer unparalleled warmth and slim contours. Over the recent years, the brand has been assertive in working with designers around the world in the Moncler Genius series to revolutionize the traditional concepts of down. This season, designer Jonathan Anderson utilized abstract and graceful methods with Moncler’s professional craftsmanship and minimalistic designs. The use of rivet embossed patterns and bright patterns reminiscent of gardens is evidence that the collection transcends the functionality of a down jacket and takes on the form of modern art based on the creativity of fashion.

Moncler Genius另一個計劃則是與設計師Veronica Leoni 合作,以她的的直覺來詮釋Moncler的美學設計,想像著一支女性軍隊在尋找失落天堂的情境,以慵懶的廓型玩轉和服風格,並用帶有未來感的高科技面料打造出立體光澤感,而帶有柔美意象的絲絨雕花則是將感性的柔軟傾瀉而出。Veronica Leoni以Moncler羽絨衣將女性氣質以源源不絕的靈感打造出精緻的冬日時尚王國。

Moncler Genius also collaborated with designer Veronica Leoni, who interpreted Moncler’s aesthetic design through her instinct. Imagine the scenario of an all-women army searching for a forgotten paradise, combining loose silhouettes with kimono-esque styles, futuristic materials to playfully manipulate gloss or soft, velvet engravings in an outpour of gentle sensitivity. Veronica Leoni has created a winter fashion kingdom with Moncler using inspiration from femininity. 

Canada Goose

Canada Goose推出備受期待的Live In The Open活動的第二季,並藉由電影和娛樂介紹來自世界各地的三位精選的主角,冒險家與電影安全專家Aldo Kane,舞者和編舞家Suzette Brissett以及演員Shawn Dou。以三部講述他們獨特的Live In The Open故事的電影,著眼於這些創作者生存中固有的韌性和毅力,以激發新一代多樣化的聲音。

The highly anticipated second season of the Live In The Open event by Canada Goose features 3 global protagonists from industries such as film and entertainment including Aldo Kane, an adventurer and specialist in providing safety in films, Suzette Brissett, dancer and choreographer, and actor Shawn Dou. Three films will depict their unique Live In The Open stories and showcase the tenacity and perseverance of these creators to inspire diverse voices of the new generation.

Canada Goose是最具有指標性的禦寒型羽絨衣,挑選到適合的款式也是一門大學問。羽絨衣必須隨著地域溫度做挑選,而Canada Goose又將防寒指標分為5級,指數TEI 1 非常適合台灣冬天,輕量且具有溫度 5°C / -5°C保暖效果,在寒流來襲也可以輕鬆防寒。指數增加保暖效果就越增強,從合適亞洲冬天溫度到白雪皚皚的零下溫度都有相對應的指數穿搭,甚至是應對地球上-30°C 及以下的極寒之地也包含在內。不僅讓處在極端氣候的每個人都能有個過上暖冬的照應,更是能傳達出舒適獨特的個人態度。

Canada Goose, makers of iconic down jackets requires a bit of knowledge when picking the perfect coat. Canada Goose created a 5-level Thermal Experience Index to assist with selecting the right jacket for your regional climate. Lightweight jackets with TEI 1 are perfect for Taiwan’s winters and can easily protect against cold fronts and temperatures of 5°C / -5°C. Higher TEI provides increased warmth for a range that can adapt to Asia’s temperate winters to the subzero temperatures of harsher climates, including regions with extreme temperatures as low as -30°C. The brand provides warmth through even the harshest climates and can also convey unique individuality with ultimate comfort.


冬天的戶外活動最不能錯過的就是滑雪了,在FENDI 此次的滑雪服系列中,以大膽前衛的造型結合精緻材料製作而成,並確保在運動中展現技巧同時也不會對環境造成負面影響。造型上可以看到FENDI Roma招牌黃黑兩色的主題圖案,除了顏色相當吸睛外,FENDI更是向最暢銷的外套款式致敬,採用無縫熱針法和反光細節設計出多款羽絨服和夾克,並搭配色塊裝飾的滑雪褲和嵌花毛衣達到最有態度的時尚效果。另外,雪靴則是與Moonboot 品牌獨家合作,推出了兩款有柔美繫帶又造型大膽的靴子,飾有經典煙草色 FF 主題圖案的款式展現出低調的奢華感,另一款則帶有俏皮的玩趣FENDI Tech 主題圖案與招牌黃色羅緞絲帶,是不是已經迫不及待準備換上好從 FENDI 雪坡上恣意滑雪吧!

Skiing is the outdoor winter sport that cannot be missed. The ski collection released by FENDI contains bold designs crafted from intricate materials to ensure that skiers can enjoy their sport without negatively impacting the environment. The designs feature eye-catching colors with FENDI Roma’s signature black and yellow and is an homage to the brand’s best-selling jackets. Down coats and jackets feature seamless heat stitching and reflective details with ski pants and cardigans that feature color blocks and appliqué for fashion with individuality. The collection’s ski boots includes 2 styles in a collaboration with Moonboot that features soft ribbon and bold designs; one style features the low-key luxury of the classic FENDI tobacco Zucca print while the other showcases the FENDI Tech logo and signature yellow ribbon. What are you waiting for? Slip into FENDI’s latest collection and hit the slopes!


J. LINDEBERG 2020秋冬滑雪系列靈感來自法國瓦勒迪澤爾滑雪度假聖地(Val d’Isère ),將大自然元素如火山岩石與極地浮冰等景觀,運用在此系列布料的印花設計上,以俐落的剪裁、大膽的用色、異材質的拼接展現滿滿的北歐雪國度假感的時尚魅力。另外,滑雪系列除了兼具美感外更是擁有獨家世界頂尖的滑雪科技機能,像是全系列外套都搭載的RECCO® 搜救感應裝置,讓每次滑雪之旅都能玩的開心又安心。而在材質上則是選用美國軍用級專利高科技纖維PrimaLoft®與能對抗酷嚴天氣的Dermizax,讓滿滿的極地抗寒效果包裹全身,享受乾爽舒適的獨家感受。

The 2020 ski collection of J. LINDENBERG was inspired by the Val d’Isère ski resort in the French Alps. The collection features elements such as prints of volcanic rock and icebergs on the collection’s fabrics which are cut neatly and splice bold colors with contrasting materials to showcase the fashion allure of Nordic vacations. The ski collection features aesthetics and their exclusive world-class ski technology such as RECCO® Advanced Rescue Technology that keeps every ski vacation fun and safe. In terms of materials, the collection selected U.S. military grade patented high-tech microfiber PrimaLoft® and Dermizax to face extreme climates. Enjoy exclusive dry comfort even in the middle of the most extreme temperatures.


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