定格光影 恆動至美 | Frozen in Time, the Beauty of Eternity

TRANSLATOR | Eugenia Yang

PATEK PHILIPPE全新Twenty~4自動機械腕錶形象圖。

For a long period of time, the concept of female watches stayed with the single impression of “beauty.” The truth is, many female consumers also want to enter the realm of mechanics and feel its charm. In these recent years, the game has changed and assumptions are broken. The choice of each female watch is a manifesto of how women live their lives in a way that cannot be limited by the materialistic romance and focuses more on embellishing the nobility of the feminine soul.

Rolex 腕錶之王

不論是否在腕錶的愛好者群體中,你都很難從身邊的人裡找到一個從未聽聞過 Rolex 這個享譽世界腕表品牌名字的人,其五角型的冠冕標誌是地球上最容易識別的品牌 Logo 之一,代表著人人都欲求之而後快的奢侈與享受。

勞力士新款蠔式恆動女裝日誌型腕錶31 (Oyster Perpetual Datejust 31)白色黃金鋼款 (蠔式鋼與18ct白色黃金的組合)。

永恆典雅,時光流轉中的女性力量,勞力士日前推出新款蠔式恆動女裝日誌型腕錶 31(Oyster Perpetual Datejust 31) 白色黃金鋼款 ( 蠔式鋼與 18ct 白色黃金的組合 )。作為勞力士的經典女裝錶款也是蠔式恆動腕表中款式最多的一個系列,每款腕錶都優雅精緻,從錶殼、錶盤到錶帶的多樣材質到款式、樣式的多樣搭配,女裝日誌型的豐富多彩在營造佩戴者個性風格方面可謂百媚千姿。

而作為 Oyster Perpetual 系列中最多變的款式,Oyster Perpetual Lady-Datejust 以優雅、精緻而著稱,此系列 「女款日誌型」有著多種版本,可以適配不同佩戴者 的不同個性及風格,是女性優雅和多樣性的縮影。勞 力士女錶款不論是款式還是內涵都富有「力量」,舉 手投足間展現女性的典雅與魅力。

The King of Watches

Whether you are a lover of watches or not, it is difficult to find someone around you who has never heard of Rolex. A world renowned watch brand, Rolex’s pentagonal crown logo is easily one of the most recognizable labels on Earth—a representation of human being’s desire for luxury and enjoyment.

Like the eternal beauty channeling the feminine power through the passing of time, Rolex recently launched its brand new Oyster Perpetual Datejust 31 in oystersteel and white gold. As the brand’s classic feminine watch and also the one in the Oyster Perpetual collection with the most diverse styles, each watch is elegant and exquisite. From the cases, the dial, to the strap, the series use an array of materials and designs, turning the feminine watches into an embodiment of the wearer’s ever-changing and colorful personality.

As the collection’s most versatile line, the Oyster Perpetual Lady-Datejust is renowned for its elegance, sophistication, and delicacy. The multiple designs can adapt to the different characteristics and styles of the wearer, like a miniature of the feminine grace and diversity. Both the design and interiority of the Rolex feminine watches are charged with power, further showcasing the refinement and charm of modern women through each and every gesture.


富含活力與城市生活的豐富,今年這款經典腕錶以Tambour Street Diver 的形式顛覆想像,以摩登時尚為 包裝,挑戰更加實用的腕錶要件,這款腕錶以都會 前景的風格誕生,不只是傳統潛水錶,在水下的效 能依然毫無妥協。從螺絲鎖住的錶冠,以及 100 米防 水,到錶面元素與內裡旋轉錶框毫不吝惜採用 Super- Lumi Nova 夜光塗層,全部都見證了這款瑞士製造的 高工藝腕錶功能實用性。

全新 Tambour Street Diver 正如所有偉大的設計, Tambour 錶殼既永恆又多變,且在過去 19 年間出現 各種形式,從令人眼界大開的高訂珠寶大師之作,

到備受讚揚的 Tambour Horizon 智慧手錶,還有最複 雜的款式,例如 2020 年的 Tambour Gurve「日內瓦印 記」飛行陀飛輪腕錶。以單塊金屬製造,由底部往上 縮減,Tambour 的獨特形狀,靈感來自於鼓,錶耳天 衣無縫地結合錶殼與錶帶,小時的位置以錶環上的 12 個字母「L-O-U-I-S-V-U-I-T-T-O-N」顯示。Tambour 在短 短 20 年內已經成為經典,也是一眼就能辨認的錶款。

Beyond the Dial

Rich with vitality and the city life’s affluence, the watches of the Tambour Street Diver series subverts our imagination. Packaged with modern fashion and challenges to include features that are more practical, the new watches are born in the style of urban prospects. Not only do they work as traditional diving watches, but their underwater performance is also unwavering. From the screw-down main crown, 100 meters of water resistance, to the Super- Lumi Nova coating on the dial and the inner rotating bezel—it all showcases the functional practicality of this Swiss-made watch with impeccable craftsmanship.

Like all great designs, the brand new Tambour Street Diver’s case is both timeless, ever-changing, and has appeared in various forms in the past 19 years. From the eye-opening works of High Jewelry, to the acclaimed Tambour Horizon Connected Watch, or even the most complicated piece— the 2020 Tambour Curve Flying Tourbillon with the iconic Poinçon de Genève. Made with a single piece of metal, the unique shape of Tambour is inspired by the drums of Kodo. The lugs are seamlessly attached with the case and strap, while the sides of the outer bezel mark out each of the twelve hours with the letters—”L-O-U-I-S V-U-I-T-T-O-N”—engraved in slender and enameled letters. With only twenty years, Tambour has become a classic, the type of watch that can be recognized with only one glance.


雪花鑲嵌的寶石看似隨興排列,但卻營造出耳目一新的獨特新意,這種工藝再現了陽光下雪花肆意飄落的景象,為數款RICHARD MILLE雪花鑲嵌腕錶帶來璀璨效果和自然光線。

在這個追求自表達的年代,女性以煥然之姿展現真我風格,作為高級制錶品牌的 RICHARD MILLE,不斷為 錶款帶來新氣象,從賽車、馬術、航空航天業中汲取 靈感,將美感與工藝融合,塑造出女士腕錶的專屬時 計。 規則從不是一成不變,只有打破傳統侷限,才能攀登 新的高峰,於是一枚搭載著全新雪花鑲嵌款腕錶閃耀 問世。腕錶以白金打造,錶圈上以雪花鑲嵌閃耀美 鑽,並鋪鑲至整個錶盤,就連中層錶殼的錶柱和鍊環 款鍊帶也鑲滿寶石,如此畫面美得讓人屏息。妝點寶 石的腕錶捕捉著閃爍的光芒,成為珍貴而親密的伴 侶,散發出致命的吸引力。依照腕錶的設計、鑲嵌的位置以及所要呈現的亮度,來選擇合適的鑲嵌工藝, 無論是半鋪鑲、隱形鑲或密鑲 (pavé),都能讓這些珍 貴寶石更加光彩奪目。這些美輪美奐的鑽石與閃閃發 光的白金相融合,「雪花鑲嵌」工藝賦予作品雍容華 麗的氣度,為腕錶帶來耀眼的冬日景致,在寶石鑲嵌 師的巧手妝點下,這些時計閃耀著璀璨光芒。

Breaking the Norm

In this age of pursuing the freedom of expression, women are capable of showing their true selves and unique styles. A luxury watchmaking brand, RICHARD MILLE continues to bring new watch designs by drawing inspirations from race cars, equestrian, and aerospace. Through the integration of beauty and craftsmanship, an exclusive timepiece for the ladies is thus created.

Rules are never set in stone. Only by breaking the limitations of tradition may the new heights be reached. Thus, a brand new RICHARD MILLE 07-01 with snow- setting is born. The watch is crafted of white gold, with snow-setting brilliant diamonds paved from the bezel to the entire dial. Even the cases and the chain-linked strap are inlaid with diamonds, creating a piece of artwork that is simply breathtaking. Adorned with bedazzling diamonds, the watch captures the shine of the gem andturns them into intimately precious companions that radiate with this almost fatal attraction. According to the design of the watch, the right place for an inlay, and the desired brightness, the artisan chooses the best setting— medium, invisible, or pavé—to enhance the shining allure of the rare gemstones. These magnificent diamonds are integrated with the dazzling white gold as the snow- setting successfully endows the pieces with elegance and generosity, bringing a gleaming view of winter. With the meticulous skills of the gem setter, these timepieces will continue to shine until eternity.

Breguet 溫柔旋風


2021 年,適逢堪稱製錶高級複雜功能代表作的陀飛輪問世 220 週年。陀飛輪是無與倫比的精妙機械裝置, 也是一項見證人類傳奇歷程的偉大發明;而陀飛輪 創造者—阿伯拉罕 . 路易 . 寶璣先生(Abraham-Louis Breguet)與他創立的品牌亦因而贏得顯赫聲譽。

當陀飛輪機制融入華麗的女裝腕錶,飛速轉動的「旋 風」在纖細白皙的手腕上,似乎也溫柔了許多,寶璣 Classique Grandes Complications 經典複雜系列 3358 女 士陀飛輪腕錶,採用精雕透明琺瑯彩繪設計,透明水感的錶面可觀賞 K 金面盤上的手工雕花波紋裝飾,襯 以絲絨色彩更增添典雅氣息,6 點鐘陀飛輪以及 12 點 鐘時間指示構成完美對稱,透明底盤讓人一覽無遺全 手工鐫刻機芯的美麗面貌,視覺和諧呼應傑出機械性 能,以優雅完美的方式記錄時間。

A Storming Tenderness

2021 will mark the 220th anniversary of the advent of the tourbillon, a masterpiece of advanced watchmaking technology. Not only is tourbillon an unparalleled mechanical device, it is also a witness of the legendary journey of mankind. Hence, the inventor of the tourbillon, Abraham-Louis Breguet, along with the brand he founded were both crowned with a reputation of prominence and fame.

When tourbillon meets the gorgeous feminine watches, even the fast-oscillating “storm” seems to soften on the slender wrists with fair skin. Breguet’s Classique Grandes Complications series presents its 3358 feminine tourbillon wristwatch that uses finely carved, transparent enamel design. The water-like dial is covered in hand- engraved carvings, and lined with velvet colors to add a touch of elegance. The six o’clock time mark is symmetric to the 12 o’clock indicator, while the translucent dial completely exposes the handcrafted calibre’s breathtaking features. When the visual echoes perfectly with the functional, an elegant recording of time is then created.


對百達翡麗而言,最優雅的代言人就是腕表本身。此次推出的全新 Twenty~4 自動機械腕表,配以純手工製作的自動上弦機械機芯,將簡約設計與精密工藝完美融合,彰顯獨特的優雅女性魅力。優雅的現代女性,用她們堅定與精緻的外表保護自己,自信行走,如同全新 Twenty~4 自動機械腕表一樣,精緻複雜的全新圓形表殼(直徑 36 毫米),輪廓鮮明。微微突起錶鏈鏈節,與兩側精美的雙層鏈節融為一體,輕柔地包裹於手腕。

這家鐘錶製造商持續不懈更新這個時計系列:為原來「manchette」法式袖口設計風格的石英時計,加添玫瑰金款式,搭配巧克力咖啡色放射狀錶面。採用圓形 錶殼的 Twenty~4 Automatic 自動腕錶,則呈獻兩款最 新時計,包括不銹鋼搭配橄欖綠色放射狀錶面款式,以及玫瑰金搭配鍍玫瑰金放射狀錶面款式。三款腕錶 以簇新姿態傳達百達翡麗品牌風格,將美感融入生活 每刻。


百達翡麗於一九九九年推出首個女士專屬系列,當時 構思以現代女性繁忙和活躍的生活為依歸,形象以涵 養與優雅兼備的獨立女性為基調,而「Twenty~4」意 指一天日夜二十四個小時,亦代表豐富多樣的生活面 貌。最後製成一款全新腕錶,個性鮮明,不論在家、 工作或是出外活動,各式場合佩戴皆宜,時計風格雅 緻長青,為上班時尚服裝或是瑰麗典雅的晚宴裝束錦 上添花。

Goddess of Movement

To PATEK PHILLIPPE, the most beautiful brand ambassador is the wristwatch itself. This year, the label launches the brand new Twenty~4 Automatic with handcrafted self-winding calibre. By combining minimalist design and the artisan’s impeccable craftsmanship, the charm of feminine grace is highlighted in a unique manner. The way a modern woman is armored with her confidence, tenacity, and exquisiteness is just like how the brand new Twenty~4 Automatic and the intricately complex round case with a diameter of 36mm embody a clear out line. The slightly protruding bracelet links are perfectly blended with the delicate double links, together creating a gentle coating for the wrist.

Throughout the years, the Swiss luxury watch brand continues to introduce new features to the iconic collection. Reimagining its art-deco-inspired cuff design or “manchette,” as known in French, the quartz watch now comes in a new rose-gold version with a brown sunburst dial. Using a round case for the Twenty~4 Automatic, the two new timepieces come in either a stainless steel case with an olive green sunburst dial or a rose-gold case with rose-gold sunburst gilding dial. From a brand new perspective, all three types of wristwatch exemplify the brand of PATEK PHILLIPPE and infuse every second of life with beauty and aesthetics.

Going back to1999, when PATEK PHILIPPE launched its first exclusive women’s collection, the brand concept was based on the busy and active lifestyle of modern women, while the collection’s image was inspired by the elegance and sophistication of an independent woman. Meaning the twenty four hours we get in a day, now, the Twenty~4 symbolizes the versatile and ever-changing ways of life. With everything culminated into one brand new wristwatch, the distinctive features are appropriate for not just the quotidian, but also for work and outings. Adding something special to the work attire or the remarkable gown worn at a celebratory banquet, the timepiece becomes a timeless elegance that is suitable for any occasion.


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