尚美巴黎的螺旋之美|A Parisian Beauty of Torsades

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang

One year after the renovation of its flagship store at 12 Place Vendôme, Chaumet exclusively launches the brand new Torsade de Chaumet High Jewelry collection. Drawing inspiration from the Vendôme column while paying homage to the glorious history of Place Vendôme, the creations revisit the classic twist— “torsade” in French—and turn the movement of the frieze into a collection of moving jewelry. Dancing freely in spiral motion, the gemstones exceed the threshold of time and become Chaumet’s ode to movement and life.

線條藝術 再造不凡

珠寶注入生命的藝術一直是Chaumet 自然主義作品的一大特色,多變的螺旋扭紋為全新的Torsade de Chaumet高級珠寶系列帶來無盡的創意,以抒情的詩意手法影射生命的律動或者愛情的悸動,更豐富了Chaumet的珠寶創作,在紀念拿破崙逝世200周年之際,這些作品也彷彿訴說著拿破崙和約瑟芬的繾綣深情。此次Torsade de Chaumet高級珠寶展從回顧品牌的歷史優雅啟程,首先映入眼簾的是由珍稀彩寶打造的色彩秘境,無論是作為項鏈或耳環主石的紅寶石、懸浮於戒指漩渦間的祖母綠,或是躍舞於手鏈上的藍寶石,皆與鑽石的璀璨光輝完美映襯,譜出繽紛的二重奏。

其中一款Torsade de Chaumet多層次長項鏈精選來自莫三比克、色澤一致的頂級紅寶石,在不對稱的螺旋扭紋間綻放鮮豔奪目的色彩,更加突顯長項鏈的垂墜效果。而連綿不絕的螺旋線條與白鑽款式相映增輝,時而旋緊時而鬆開的曲線,加上不同的切割和明亮拋光的巧妙融合更增添視覺層次。當進入Chaumet標誌性的冠冕展示區時,藉由一幕幕剪影畫面探索世家備受矚目的傳世冠冕工藝,白金的材質使得珠寶更顯閃耀與線條感。憑借著精湛的工藝,無論是一頂由鑽石鋪鑲而成的線條互相優雅環繞而成的冠冕,還是一條頗有線條力量感「張弛有度」的螺旋項鍊,Chaumet都將極致的輕盈感與奇妙的懸浮感融為一體,頗有挑戰地心引力的意趣。

Recreating the Extraordinary

Bringing art to life had always been the major feature of Chaumet’s naturalism work. The everchanging spiral infuses endless creativity into the brand new Torsade de Chaumet High Jewelry collection and portrays the movement of life and the passion of love through lyrical, poetic techniques. On commemorating the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s passing, this collection seems to represent the love shared by Napoleon and Joséphine Bonaparte. An elegant review of the brand’s long history, this Torsade de Chaumet High Jewelry exhibition opens with a fantastical realm created by the rare, colorful treasures. Whether it’s the rubies set as the main stone of necklaces and earrings, the emerald floating above the swirl of the ring, or the sapphires dancing on the bracelet, they all showcase the brilliance of diamonds, composing a duet of mesmerizing hues.

Set with the splendid rubies from Mozambique, the Torsade de Chaumet transformable sautoir shines with a spectacular dazzle that is highlighted through the uneven spirals. While the continuing lines of the torsade echo with the white gold diamonds, the multitude of setting techniques create this rhythm and light effect that magnify the visualization of the necklace. As we enter the display area for the iconic tiara, an exploration of the Maison’s anticipated tiara craftsmanship unravels in front of our eyes through a series of silhouettes. It doesn’t matter if it’s a tiara embellished completely with diamonds or a transformable sautoir that is both empowering and fluid, Chaumet is able to combine lightness with a spectacular sense of levitation into a challenge in defying gravity.

穿越時間 不朽寶藏

跟著珠寶迴旋曼舞的節奏,Chaumet對藝術與人文精神以及豐沛感情的追求,穿越時空、跨越階級、來到現在。當我們欣賞Torsade de Chaumet高訂珠寶新作時,宛若處於一篇宏大的詩歌中,其超越構型的寓意,刺激著無窮無盡的遐想,預示著從現在到未來的無限可能。

Crossing the Threshold of Time

Following the rhythm of the jewelry’s maneuvering dance, Chaumet’s persistence towards art and humanistic spirits and pursuit of passionate emotions have traveled through time and space. Bypassing all classes and thresholds, the Maison had arrived at the present. Admiring the new Torsade de Chaumet collection, we become a part of an epic ballad and witness the way these jewelries surpass the meaning of structure. As they continue to stimulate the limitless imagination of the human mind, they are also predicting all the possibilities of the future. Chaumet believes that although the price of jewelry is reflected in its collection value, its connection, ownership and livelihood are what gives the wearer an true, endless amount of “power.”


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