包款狂想曲 |Handbag Rhapsody

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang

年末將至,包款狂想曲走入了今年最後一篇章。編輯於此挑選出年度包款首選,特殊獨有款式成為點綴冬天的閃耀之星 ; 而經典可以走入永恆,一款“經典”彷彿重新組成了新單詞,將歷史悠久的文化與傳承囊括至袋中 ; 延續與延伸成為了這季最受矚目的首選,火熱活躍於當下,更是能一路延伸至明年,瀟灑的離開年末打開另一扇時尚尖端大門。

Arriving at the last chapter of 2021, our fashion editor has selected all the must-haves of the year. Some are like shining stars with their unique styles, others are reinterpretations of the timeless classics. Continuing to extend, these handbags will lead us into the new year and open another door to the realm of cutting-edge fashion. 

Gucci最新時尚大秀《LOVE PARADA》


穿著華服,手中隨性拎著看似慵懶與柔軟卻又形塑的恰到好處,在 Gucci 最新 SS22 時尚大秀《LOVE PARADE》中,秀場模特兒手裡拿著像是 fortune cookie 的包款,除了 Gucci 老花圖騰外,還有亮橘色、米色與玩味各種材質的變化,就足以證明了“幸運餅乾”半月包型會一直延燒至明年成為 2022 包款趨勢。望向硬挺皮革的半月包不得不提於 2022 早春秀場當中全新亮相的 Louis Vuitton Loop包款,早春款式當中經典的老花圖騰和充滿夏日繽紛的淺色系自成一格,Loop也於2022春夏女裝配件當中有著全新漸層渲染樣式。而 Fendi 春夏秀場當中一款全新半月型腋下包,圓弧曲線當中揉合著對比的柔軟與硬挺,包款的底部以品牌字母作為裝飾,並推出大中小甚至迷你,訴說著各種尺寸隨你掌握。

左圖:Gucci SS22時尚大秀《LOVE PARADA》 

Chapter One: Fortune Cookie

Topping off the glamourous looks, the signature half-moon shape strikes a perfect balance between casual and chic. In Gucci’s grand Love Parade show, we see models walking down Hollywood Boulevard with bags shaped like fortune cookies. Coming in variations of Gucci monograms, bright orange and beige, the play on fabrics is proof that these half-moon bags will continue to be the trend of 2022. Speaking of half-moon bags, we have to discuss the new Loop bag debuted at the Louis Vuitton 2022 Cruise show. This new silhouette comes in two variations—the classic Monogram canvas and the ecru-coloured Since 1854 jacquard textile finished with a light blue trim. Meanwhile, in the Fendi SS22 show, we see a brand new half-moon-shaped purse with gold lettering on the underside that boldly states “FENDI.” Offered in various sizes, the new model can be worn in accordance with our preference and style.

左圖:Fendi SS22


後疫情時代當下,即便衝擊著享樂主義的放肆與瘋狂,自在、舒適意象也絲毫沒有減退,反而更加注重與自然共存、寬鬆舒適的愜意生活。於2021春夏首次登場的 Louis Vuitton PILLOW 系列,融入了溫暖舒適的靈魂, 宛如枕頭般鬆軟,讓人忍不住擱懷裡抱 ; Miu Miu 2021 秋冬誕生了 “Miu Miu雪山俱樂部”,將屬於Miu Miu女孩的神經與叛逆於雪白國度傾瀉而出,柔軟俏皮的包款單品,結合休閒風格和優雅魅力,激發屬於每個女人的粉紅少女夢。

左圖: Louis Vuitton Multipochette accessoires包款

Chapter Two: A Tender Concept 

In this post-pandemic era, it is safe to say our hedonistic ideals have been strongly impacted. However, the emphasis on freedom and comfort continues to prevail. Now, people prioritize coexisting with nature and finding the most comfortable and relaxing lifestyle. Launched in SS21, the Louis Vuitton Pillow collection channels the comforting warmth of pillows and can be doubled as an actual pillow that no one can resist. On the other hand, Miu Miu introduces the “Miu Miu Mountain Club,” an invitation for all Miu Miu girls to fully express their witty and rebellious nature in this winter wonderland. Combining leisure fashion and the charm of elegance, the selection of accessories that are soft and playful becomes every girl’s most youthful dream. 

左圖:Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere25包款


內文=冬日的季節彷彿抹上了一層白霧光,宛如身處於北歐、進入一場童話故事王國。故事章節即將開始,第一章進入屬於DELVAUX的冬日之光,刺繡縫線描繪出如浮雕般的彎曲的滑雪道,在雪白的皮革中劃出一道道柔軟彈性的棉花糖感曲線。第二章換上華麗的綿羊毛,為冷冽冬日帶來舒適暖和的觸覺之感,而第三章則是綴上晶亮寶石,手工刺繡上猶如冰峰墜落的鐘乳石為故事帶來轉折的完美句點。若為促成一幅冬日完美佳景,除了潔白無瑕的天空和雪白的地面融合,冰藍色冰川河流的生生不息為點綴畫中的神來一筆,冰藍色 Versace La Medusa 亮眼飽和,一眼即過目不忘 ; 而這季科技感濃厚的 Ferragamo 也為經典包款換上新色系,在冷冽的未來風格中完美詮釋新舊結合的無限可能。

左圖:DELVAUX光亮白Brillant MM Off Piste手提包

Chapter Three: Winter Wonderland 

Covered in a layer of white mist, the winter season arrives and takes us on a journey to Northern Europe. As if inviting us to enter the kingdom of fairy tales, the story begins: in the first chapter, we venture into DELVAUX’s winter lights. The embroidery resembles the curves of ski tracks, while the relief-like stitches create curves that are soft and fluffy like marshmallows. Next, the gorgeous wool brings a touch of comfort and warmth to our senses. And in the final chapter, the bags are embellished with gemstones as the embroidery brings the story to a perfect end. In order to complete the beautiful winter scene, not only do we need the fusion of the flawless sky and the snow white landscape, but also the icy-blue glaciers that add a touch of majestic ambience. Like the unforgettable DV blue Versace La Medusa and Ferragamo’s new futuristic season of new colors, this upcoming winter is a perfect interpretation of the endless potential, created in the moment when the old meets the new. 

左圖:DELVAUX Handle Ribbon手提絲帶



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