林柏宏 Austin Lin | 落入凡間的王子 A Prince Reborn

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang


JEWELRY | Tiffany & Co.
OUTFIT | All by Burberry 2022 Pre-Spring collection






「橫跨演員、歌手、金馬獎主持人等多重身份,出道近十五年…」,聽聞至此,林柏宏不禁倒抽一口氣,似是感嘆韶光飛逝,也笑著與我們回溯 2007 年的第二屆《超級星光大道》,憑著一時興起、想練習唱歌的玩心,從百人海選一路過關斬將進入電視台錄影,對當時的林柏宏來說,過程就像是一場星光夏令營,任誰也沒想到,這位熱愛唱歌的理科男孩,兩年後竟走入大螢幕,以電影《帶我去遠方》許亦賢一角,開啟了名為「演員」的人生旅程。

JEWELRY | Tiffany & Co.
FENDI SS22 春夏系列青綠色西裝外套;青綠色短板T-Shirt;米色襯衫;青綠色西裝褲。




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GIVENCHY SS22 千鳥格科技纖維多口袋夾克、外套、白色上衣
JEWELRY | Tiffany & Co.
GIVENCHY SS22 千鳥格科技纖維多口袋夾克、外套、白色上衣

《六弄咖啡館》蕭柏智的鬼靈精怪、《怪胎》陳柏青的極致強迫症、《青春弒戀》郭明亮的偏執孤獨,以及《火神的眼淚》張志遠內心的壓抑折騰,個個迥然不同卻鮮明的角色器皿,傾入林柏宏似水般的細膩詮釋,溫潤清淡中自帶韻味,使人記憶猶新。若從四個角色中挑選最想擁有的特質,他說看似缺點的特質其實也是優點,如蕭柏智是義氣行動派,恰好與理性的他相反;陳柏青的單純執著,昇華了愛情的澄淨;羨慕張志遠的鋼琴巧手與藝術才華;提起讓人心疼的郭明亮,他則希望明亮可以透過真情實感去認識一個人,建立自然的友誼關係,或許他便能慢慢走出內心的黑暗面。回顧林柏宏的演藝生涯,近幾年以演員身份再次拿起麥克風,他笑答目前對唱歌還是抱有很大熱忱,當新鮮感猶存,便會嘗試尋找更多有趣的方式呈現。「跟青虫樂團的合作是一見鐘情」原本是 MV 男主角的林柏宏,因欣賞創作理念便毛遂自薦加入合唱;而去年的金馬獎現場演出,他說是種巧合,也覺得自己非常幸運,「身為演員,可以為電影多做一點點事,讓大眾更理解電影、讓觀眾更好奇金馬獎,覺得榮幸也非常感動。」

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JEWELRY | Tiffany & Co.
OUTFIT | All by Burberry 2022 Pre-Spring collection


JEWELRY | Tiffany & Co.
FENDI SS22 春夏系列青綠色西裝外套;青綠色短板T-Shirt;米色襯衫;青綠色西裝褲。

At the 58th Golden Horse Awards, Austin Lin took the lead as the host, starred in the opening film and did a live performance of Mayday’s “Contentment.” In just three minutes, he demonstrated his superb ability in all fields—film, television and music. Throughout the ceremony, his five different outfits perfectly mastered an array of versatile styles—luxurious, formal, seductive, generous and more. Always holding a brilliant smile, Austin had gradually become the new generation’s fashion darling, a declaration of his infinite potential in becoming a well-rounded artist.

Without Setting Limits

As his handsome side profile reveals a careless authenticity, his body dances around the studio with a natural flow. Under the lights and shadows, the camera captures his charming silhouette—the wonderful moments in Austin Lin’s life begin to unfold.

Widely known for his warm personality, Austin had gradually become a common guest at fashion events and ceremonies. When it comes to choosing jewelry, he doesn’t limit himself to a specific style, but makes his decision according to his outfit. When Austin was little, he didn’t think gold was a suitable color for him. Now, he finds the old-fashioned gold jewelry extremely charming. In the past, it’s hard to imagine men wearing pearl necklaces. But to him, he believes that by pairing pearls with specially-designed silver chains, the combination can highlight one’s distinctive personality. Seeing the rise of the unisex jewelry trend, Austin thinks it’s not the jewelry that defines gender, it’s the wearer who gives them life. The same silver ring, handbag or outfit can be expressed in infinite ways because it all depends on the wearer’s personality and mood. “The jewelry we wear does not have to be complex. All we need is a focus.” Focusing on one emphasized accessory or piece is Austin’s go-to way of choosing his outfits. When it comes to finding the right jewelry, he recommends beginners to start from necklaces and rings. Maintaining a simple principle is also essential to finding our own style. Before trying anything bold, he thinks it’s important to prioritize personal comfort. Always go for monochromatic jewelry pieces; it can never go wrong.

When Literature Meets Film

“From being an actor, singer, to the Golden Horse Awards host, it has been 15 years since you’ve made your debut…” Hearing this, Austin could not help but take in a deep breath. Surprised by how much time has passed, he happily shares with us his memories of participating in the second season of One Million Star. At first, Austin simply wanted to practice his vocals. To him, the whole process of going through auditions alongside hundreds of contestants and being on TV for the actual competition felt like attending summer camp. It was safe to say that no one imagined the young engineer who loves to sing would star in the movie “Somewhere I Have Never Traveled” two years later, with his character Ah-Hsian marking the start of his long-running acting career.

“Before shooting ‘Somewhere I Have Never Traveled,’ I was not much of a reader. I didn’t know what I wanted and I had no expectations or plans for the future. But my character is someone who appreciates literature and films.” As someone who used to believe reading is for academics only, Austin finished all the books and films recommended by the director during the film’s one year preparation. He suddenly realized how narrow minded he was and finally understood the appeal of literature and film. “It is amazing that our real-life emotions and experiences can be found in films and expressed authentically by the characters. I think that is the charm of actors and films.” After shooting, Austin realized that there was so much more exploring he could’ve done in terms of the script, the character and the story behind it. Although there was a sense of regret, it inspired his determination to keep acting.

A Water-Like Delicacy

The very first acting experience is definitely one that no actor will forget. For Austin, it was a crying scene that took him all day to prepare. It wasn’t until he listened to Director Tien-Yu Fu’s advice that the tears started to run. Back then, without any background in theater, he realized besides self-exploration, acting classes and discussions with directors, a lot of times he was facing self-doubt. “While performing, we always feel confident, but after the performance, we start to question ourselves. It is a process of continuous challenges, reflection and learning, which can be applied to many different things.” If he had the chance to perform that crying scene again, Austin says he will tell himself to clear his mind, relax the body and be fully immersed in the moment and the emotions that follow.

From Bo Zhi Hsiao’s mischievous in “At Café 6,” Po Ching Chen’s extreme OCD in “I WeirDo,” Ming Liang Kuo’s loneliness in “Terrorizers,” to Zhi Yuan Zhang’s self-torturing in “Tears On Fire,” each distinctive character is expressed through Austin’s delicate acting that is smooth like water, making his performances charming but full of warmth. When asked to choose the most ideal trait from the four characters mentioned above, he says that all the seemingly deficient traits can become an advantage. For instance, Bo Zhi’s strong sense of righteousness is opposite from his rationality, while Po Ching’s naivete actually highlights the purity of love. He also admires Zhi Yuan’s exceptional piano skills and hopes Ming Liang can learn to meet friends through proper and natural ways so that he can step out of his inner darkness. Looking back at Austin’s acting career and how he picked up the microphone again as an actor, he says he’s still very enthusiastic about singing. As long as the novelty remains, he tries to look for more interesting modes of performance. “The collaboration with aoi was love at first sight.” Originally the lead actor of the music video, Austin volunteered to join the song because he really admired the concept behind it. As for last year’s live performance at the Golden Horse Awards, he says it was a coincidence, one that he finds himself very lucky to have encountered. “As an actor, it is an honor to be able to do more for the film industry, allow the public to truly understand these movies and keep their curiosity towards the Golden Horse Awards going.”

Stripped of Expectations

Stepping away from being an actor and returning to the real world, Austin’s personality is somewhat like water. In the face of different occasions, he will first observe the atmosphere of the moment to balance how much he should say. Switching the scene to his home, we can’t help but wonder what is he like in a family setting? Austin smiles and answers he is a son who is very much himself. As a self-disciplined kid, he always thinks everything through before making any decisions, which is why his parents trust him with the freedom to choose what he wants. Since he graduated from National Taiwan Normal University, he acquired relatively more academic knowledge compared to others. As Austin is gradually maturing, he begins to have a new sense of how he should interact with his parents. “Looking back, we shouldn’t have treated our parents like saints. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t respect them, but we should understand that parents make mistakes too because they are also learning. Parents and their children are both learning how to maintain a healthy familial relationship.” Oftentimes, Austin intentionally treats his parents like friends to try to lessen the pressure. He doesn’t want his parents to have to bear the burden of being perfect. “When we’re young, we always wish our parents would let go of their expectations. As we grow up, we realize it goes both ways.”

Reflecting on his student days, Austin describes himself as “active and disciplined.” His hardworking personality in middle school basically predicted his early career mindset. It wasn’t until he decided to apply for National Taiwan Normal University and entered the chemistry department had he started to gain a rationalist way of thinking. “Studying chemistry significantly changed my mindset.” Now applying the same thinking to his career, Austin thinks and communicates through columns and diagrams. “I think a block of complicated text can be simplified if we turn it into a chart.”

With Sensibility and Rationality

Since a toddler, Austin has had the habit of talking to himself. It wasn’t until middle school that he realized he is an auditory person who communicates with others and consolidates logic through speech. By taking away the extra-emotional expressions, he clarifies his mind and arrives at the most authentic thoughts. Austin sometimes finds his rational personality at a disadvantage while acting. “In the beginning, I tend to use a more scientific approach to process my characters. I’d also add in my own opinions and try to imagine what my characters would do.” For example, when he was preparing for “Tears On Fire,” he was required to conduct a series of firefighting training. However, later on during his performances, he realized his rational analysis had already become a part of him that didn’t require any excess processing.

“It is unavoidable that we encounter uncertainty and hesitation in life, but I wouldn’t say there is a moment in life where I’d find it to be too hard. I try not to look at it that way.” When it comes to life, who doesn’t meet setbacks? But for Austin, he tends not to describe it as being in a low state. Perhaps a lot of people would think that actors find it frustrating when there is a lack of job opportunities. In truth, he finds it to be a rare chance to properly live his life. “Actors are special because they have to maintain a good living quality to be able to feel the emotions and inspirations during their performances. You have to know how to live life to deliver a proper performance.” Some say life is like a play. As someone who has played almost 50 different characters, Austin has a view on life that matches the title given by his fans—”the boy who is like water.” “Life has a flow. From the peaks and valleys, frustrations, successes to changes, everything is like a river. When the water comes, rather than blocking it or diverging it, the best way is to let it flow.” This seemingly Buddhist mindset is not an avoidance of troubles, but an enlightened understanding of the world. His ability to remain calm without clinging onto things is an exceptional demonstration of wisdom. In the face of our uncertain future, we can’t help but feel hesitant and anxious. However, through the gentle words of Austin Lin that are sensible but rational, a silent warmth gradually fills the heart and the mind.


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