好氣色的秘密法寶?底妝的魅力 Charm of Foundation



Foundation is the essential of all makeup looks‭. ‬Makeup has become an inseparable part of daily life‭. ‬People’s pursuit of beauty‭ ‬and the adjustment and updating of aesthetics make everyone’s style show multiple appearances‭. ‬Different skin types and changing seasons make makeup change at any time‭. ‬When summer comes‭, ‬I want to have a relaxed‭, ‬comfortable and fashionable posture‭. ‬The‭ ‬charm of foundation makes every day live confident‭, ‬calm and elegant‭.‬




亞曼尼 超持妝絲絨水慕斯粉底 形象圖。
Giorgio Armani power fabric+ ultra longwear weightless matte foundation.

義大利頂級精品品牌GIORGIO ARMANI 最新持久型輕潤無瑕底妝「超持妝絲絨水慕斯粉底」為水慕斯的絲絨質地,依粉體折射效果偏光遮瑕,隱形毛孔與斑點,隨著帶妝時間越長,絲絨奶油光越是精緻,完美服貼臉部輪廓。而雅詩蘭黛粉持久底妝則是提供油性肌膚最完美的控油極致持妝效果,打造全天持久的高質感霧面妝容,同時又以高係數抗曬守護肌膚,讓底妝的每一步皆能達到持久不脫妝以及控油不暗沉的最強妝效,甚至於溽暑之夏也能夠依然絕美無瑕。

亞曼尼 超持妝絲絨水慕斯粉底 多種色號。
​​Giorgio Armani power fabric+ ultra longwear weightless matte foundation.



輕輕塗抹可以打造富有立體感的光滑臉龐,輕柔的蜜粉可以使妝容看起來很透明,使妝容升華。 蜜粉以及粉餅的用處除了使妝容保持立體光澤,更是能延長妝容的持久度。肌膚之鑰聯手全球珠寶製造商 10 年研發,將首屈一指的日本京瓷所製作的珍貴蛋白石粉末揉入精質光耀幻妍餅,擁有與天然寶石相同的性質、完美的淨度,以及最高品質的亮度,在環保不破壞自然生態的訴求下,成為實現雙彩科技的美麗靈感。不僅全天候續航優雅靈動能量更是能24小時鎖住水分保持長效持妝功效,輕輕蘸粉,輕薄透明的吸附至肌膚,賦予至臻完美的真實觸感。

YSL 2022 恆久完美無瑕持妝粉底SPF39 PA+++ 25ml ,參考定價 NT$2,600。
YSL All Hours Foundation , recommended price NT$2,600.

Summer Skin Glow

Regarding good looks‭, ‬we are appreciating a person for being both beautiful and healthy‭. ‬Good looks are not only based on beautiful appearance‭, ‬but also reflect a person’s life and health‭. ‬For editors‭, ‬mature skin should not be compared with the smooth skin of the young blood‭. ‬Sometimes‭ “‬good complexion‭” ‬is the key to living how to live beautifully‭! ‬Even if there are more wrinkles‭ ‬and more spots as you get older‭, ‬if you are still refreshed‭, ‬then maybe this is the most beautiful way to maintain your skin for‭ ‬every age‭. ‬In order to achieve a good complexion‭, ‬health is inevitable‭, ‬but with work‭, ‬rest and dietary‭, ‬how to use external methods to make‭ “‬good complexion‭” ‬more effective‭? ‬Skin tone is inherently uneven‭. ‬Applying foundation can make the complexion look‭ ‬more even and smooth‭, ‬adjust skin tone‭, ‬conceal imperfections‭, ‬and make the skin appear natural and in even color‭.‬


GIORGIO ARMANI’s latest long-lasting light and flawless foundation‭ “‬Power Fabric‭+ ‬Ultra Longwear Weightless Matte Foundation‭” ‬is‭ ‬a velvety texture of water mousse‭, ‬polarized concealer according to the powder refraction effect‭, ‬invisible pores and spots‭, ‬the longer the makeup stays‭, ‬the more the foundation glows and the more refined it becomes‭, ‬perfectly conforming to the contours of the face‭. ‬The Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation provides the most perfect oil control and ultimate make-up effect for oily skin‭, ‬creating a high-quality matte finish that lasts all day‭, ‬and at the same time protects the skin with a high SPV‭, ‬so that every step of the foundation can be achieved‭. ‬The strongest makeup effect that lasts without vanishing and oil control without dullness‭, ‬even in the summer heat‭, ‬it can still be flawless‭.‬

YSL’s newly upgraded All Hours Foundation makes adjustments and changes for the hot summer‭. ‬Whether it is dry skin or oily skin‭,‬‭ ‬it always maintains in a flawless state‭. ‬Even if you wear a mask‭, ‬it still glows‭. ‬Highly concealed‭, ‬non-dull‭, ‬lasts until midnight‭. ‬Makeup is light and comfortable‭, ‬perfect all day‭. ‬The reason why YSL All Hours Foundation has been popular among consumers‭ ‬since it was launched is that‭, ‬in addition to meeting the most basic requirements of ordinary people for foundation makeup‭, ‬it is also different from the heavy stereotype of most long-lasting foundations‭, ‬it is not only innovative and light‭, ‬it has zero makeup feeling‭, ‬like a natural beauty‭, ‬and can go beyond the lasting effect‭, ‬while controlling oil and restoring the moisturizing‭ ‬state of the skin’s oil-water balance‭.‬

YSL 2022 恆久完美無瑕持妝粉底SPF39 PA+++ 底妝買贈照。
YSL All Hours Foundation.

Scheme of Powder

Apply lightly to create a smooth face‭, ‬and light powder can make makeup look translucent‭. ‬The use of powder not only keeps the makeup firm‭, ‬but also prolongs the durability of the makeup‭.  ‬Clé‭ ‬De Peau Beauté‭ ‬has been developed in collaboration with global jewelry manufacturer for 10‭ ‬years‭. ‬The precious opal powder made by the premier‭ ‬Japanese Kyocera is kneaded into The Luminizing Face Enhancer‭, ‬which has the same properties and perfect clarity as natural gemstones‭, ‬in the pursuit of eco-friendliness without destroying the ecology‭, ‬it has become an inspiration for the realization of dual-color technology‭.‬

肌膚之鑰 精質光耀幻妍餅 全新 6 色 10g ,參考定價 NT$3,100。
clé de peau beauté The Luminizing Face Enhancer , recommended price NT$3,100.


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