開春時髦好運|帶上De Beers、HEARTS ON FIRE、GRAFF珠寶展現新氣象!

TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang


In celebration of Lunar New Year, from the auspicious couplets, the never-ending sound of firecrackers, to the joyful words of blessings, everything carries the vision of a bright, promising future. In opulent gold and cheerful red, the jewelries not only serve as a good omen for the new year, but also highlight the beautifully saturated colors, which open up a dazzling chapter for the Year of the Rabbit with one unique and sincere blessing. 

De Beers 農曆新年形象圖,Enchanted Lotus 18K 玫瑰金與白色珍珠貝母鑽石圓牌吊墜項鍊與戒指。
A Lunar New Year special, De Beers Enchanted Lotus pendant and ring in 18K rose gold and mother-of-pearl. 


為迎接兔年到來,De Beers 標誌性的 Enchanted Lotus 系列推出令人一見傾心的閃耀新色,首次將彩色琺瑯融入珠寶設計,精美的 18K 金鍊中央垂懸著以紅色琺瑯打造的圓牌吊墜,密釘微鑲鑽石勾勒出蓮花輪廓,圓形明亮式切割鑽石點綴中央,其背面採用鏤空設計,遮掩不住中央主鑽的熠熠光彩,為傳統農曆新年增添現代感的幸運象徵,不論是佳節送禮亦或犒賞自己,細緻中的優雅氣息皆能為佩戴者捎來一抹歡欣氣象,於日常閃耀新意。

De Beers 農曆新年形象圖,Enchanted Lotus 18K 玫瑰金與紅色琺瑯鑽石圓牌吊墜項鍊與手鍊。
A Lunar New Year special, De Beers Enchanted Lotus pendant and bracelet in 18K rose gold and red enamel. 


新穿衣戴新帽,洋溢雀躍氣息,不妨配搭奪目迷人的美鑽單品增添自我亮點。素以全世界車工最完美鑽石聞名的 HEARTS ON FIRE,擁有引領潮流的現代設計與值得世代相傳的典雅款式為良善好選擇。如 Aerial Eclipse 玫瑰金項鍊即是以太陽為設計理念,象徵著光明溫暖繁盛生命,更具備經典永恆之意,可單獨佩戴,亦可疊戴搭配,為整體妝點層次巧思。帶有精緻考究的 Copley Multi Stone 鑽石手環,造型富有圓滿意趣,錯落有致的鑽石好似星星閃耀,輕巧地停留於手腕間,不論時光如何流逝,自宇宙捎來的璀璨光芒將永保好運。

Holiday selections from HEARTS ON FIRE.


年節來臨之際,春意逐漸復甦,其盎然生機的翩飛身影,持續啟發著 GRAFF 的創意變奏。採用 18K 黃金和 18K 玫瑰金悉心呈現蝴蝶幻影系列,完美對稱的曼妙身姿與立體有致的靈動效果,簡約中散發歡騰氣息和細膩美感。而花朵造型也是  GRAFF 所熱愛的素材,端倪千紅萬紫的典雅姿態,完好體現於 Wild Flower 系列的盛放之美,花瓣停留於項間耳畔,閃爍美鑽點綴邊緣,著實迷人。另一矚目的全新十字吊墜,簡潔奪目的幾何輪廓與現代魅力,令人眼前一亮,以不對稱工藝添上兩行密鑲鑽石,凸顯脫俗出眾的精巧細節,為柔美優雅亦或休閒自信添上動人光彩。

GRAFF 蝴蝶幻影系列形象圖。
GRAFF Butterfly collection. 

Enamel Novelties 

Welcoming the Year of the Rabbit, De Beers expands on the iconic Enchanted Lotus and offers a selection of new pieces that will include pops of color with enamel for the first time. The 18K gold necklace features a lotus motif composed around a round brilliant diamond at its center, encircled by a halo and petals in micropavé diamonds and sit atop red enamel. With its reverse completely see-through, the glistening shine of the mainstone is unable to be contained and becomes a contemporary emblem of fortune for the traditional new year. Whether it’s a gift for the holidays or a treat for the self, the delicate elegance of the novelties will bring a touch of joy to the wearer and light up the days of our lives. 

Glistening Constellations 

Radiating with a cheerful spirit, our new outfits should be paired with eye-catching diamond jewelries to highlight our personal style. Known for presenting the world’s most perfectly cut diamonds, HEARTS ON FIRE is the best choice if you’re looking for trendsetting, modernistic designs and timeless, elegant models. A symbol of the warmth of vital life, the Aerial Eclipse Pendant in rose gold draws inspiration from the sun and its eternal beauty, which can be worn alone or layered for a look that truly radiates. Meanwhile, the Copley Multi Stone Bangle is delicate and fun, with diamonds intricately placed throughout the bangle recreating the shining constellation. Capturing the shine of nature on the wrist, the creation preserves mother earth’s fortune regardless of the times that have passed. 

Ethereal Agility 

With the new year right around the corner, it also marks the arrival of the spring season. The butterfly, one of nature’s most captivating creatures, continues to inspire GRAFF to celebrate creativity. In 18 carat yellow gold and rose gold, the Butterfly collection perfectly captures the symmetry of a butterfly and its enchanting agility with elegance and delicacy. The flower also serves as a muse for the British jewelry house, as the graceful reincarnation of life is flawlessly depicted by the Wild Flower collection. Absolutely charming, each petal is uniquely rendered to burst with life and edged in pavé diamonds. Lastly, a novelty of the year, the Cross Pendant captures all the attention with its shining geometric simplicity and contemporary silhouette. Accented with two rows of pavé diamonds, the uneven design, crafted intentionally, pays exceptional attention to details and adds a touch of soft elegance and effortless confidence for the wearer. 

GRAFF 蝴蝶幻影系列形象圖。
GRAFF Butterfly collection. 


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