
TRANSLATION | Eugenia Yang



當一張純白畫布要保持純淨潔白時,本質成為了其中最重要的因素,好似上妝前一樣都不能缺少的步驟,就是保濕。嬌蘭全新之作24K 純金保濕持妝凝露採用純金成分,而黃金是光芒與歷久不衰的象徵,是永恆的代名詞,在光譜中是灰色的對比色,更成為改善黯淡膚色時最奇妙的元素。擁有舒適凝露質地瞬間融入肌底,肌膚將持續美麗且保持無瑕狀態。 透明玻璃瓶身裡有著漂浮在透明凝露中的24K 金箔, 搭配賦予絕佳質感光澤的金色瓶蓋,宛如藝術品般呈現在眼前。

嬌蘭 24K純金底妝系列,打造完美肌膚與妝容。
Guerlain 24K Parure Gold foundation set creates the perfect skin and makeup looks.


肌膚就像海綿能吸收而飽滿,但當角質受損產生缺水也就像乾涸龜裂的土壤般,即便灌溉也不一定能完美,「Omorovicza 匈牙利皇后系列活膚露及修護霜」卻輕易帶來最有效率的保養。擦上「Sisley聚水賦活精華」,全方位保濕聖品結合礦物、植物與芳香精油三種調理,恢復肌膚天然的水份平衡機制。最後則帶上一抹「HR赫蓮娜植萃綠寶舒緩亮眼霜」,透過指尖體溫自然地融化釋放獨家珍稀億萬珊瑚草,深入眼周肌底修護、 秒速煥發新生能量,為肌膚帶上最後一道保養程序。

HR 赫蓮娜 植萃綠寶舒緩亮眼霜 15ml,參考定價 NT$4,100。
Helena Rubinstein Powercell 24-Hour Eye Care, 15ml, recommended price NT$4,100.


如果排斥精油或乳霜質地,那麼Aesop這瓶澄瑩面部精華素絕對為你所好,水感質地的精華配方為肌膚帶來輕盈舒適感受,即使不是油狀或乳狀質地,仍保有高效劑量維他命、強效補水保濕以及來自植物萃取成分的深層滋養,能夠幫助肌膚平衡、幫助促進肌膚膠原蛋白生成、均勻提亮膚色,也含有萃取自玫瑰奧托、檀香及乳香的精油氣息,取 1-2 滴管精華置於掌心,從前額到頸部,輕柔地按摩全臉肌膚,賦予肌膚最天然無負擔的保養。

Aesop大馬士革玫瑰精露 25ml,參考定價 NT$2,200。
Aesop Damascan Rose Facial Treatment, 25ml, recommended price NT$2,200.


從瑞典瓦爾貝里小鎮的海藻浴、縱身大海悠游和木屋中的桑拿提取靈感,這些生活的慣常演化為享受的時光、潛在意識與價值意義,就如同 L:a Bruket 經常以杜松樹香氣作為鋪陳和帶有胡椒、木質香氣的細膩氣息,終於迎來了全新臉部保養系列,矽藻成分的加入搭配五步驟提升臉部肌膚的細緻度,先是日常臉部的雙重清潔、隨時賦予水分與健康光澤的前導調理、恢復肌膚原生緊緻彈力的深層養護、眼周局部保養,還有最後的滋潤保養手法。

L:a Bruket 全新臉部保養系列。
L:a Bruket brand new facecare collection.

 Stripped of all the complicated or fancy elements, a dollop of pristine texture breaks down the skin’s barrier after a busy day and takes us on a journey to enjoy a simple regimen by focusing on the essence, and the essence only. 

Blooming Gold 

When a white canvas is to be kept pure, its essence becomes one of the most important factors, just like the step that cannot be missed before applying makeup, which is proper moisturizing. Incorporating pure gold into the formula, Guerlain introduces the brand new Parure Gold 24K Radiance Boosting Perfection Primer. While gold is the symbol of brightness and resilience, the equivalent to eternity, it is also the color contrast of gray on the light spectrum, making it the most magical element when it comes to improving dull skin. With a comfortable, gel-like texture, the Parure Gold 24K is instantly infused with the skin, leaving it brighter and plumped upon application. Topped with a glistening gold cap, the transparent bottle is encapsulated with floating 24K gold leaves, creating a perfecting primer reminiscent of an artwork. 

嬌蘭 24K 純金保濕持妝凝露,在透明凝露中姿意漂浮的 24K 珍貴金箔。
The floating gold leaves in Guerlain Parure Gold 24K Radiance Boosting Perfection Primer.

Skin Firming

The skin is like a sponge that absorbs. When the keratin is damaged and dehydrated, it may not be perfect even when nourished. However, the Omorovicza Queen Essence and Queen Cream can easily offer us the most efficient maintenance. Or try out the Sisley Hydra-Global Intense Anti-Aging Hydration, a comprehensive solution that draws from minerals, plant-based ingredients and essential oils to restore the natural moisture balance of the skin. Through the cooling tip that works like a finger-tip, the Helena Rubinstein Powercell 24-Hour Eye Care is enriched with native vegetal cells, setting itself as the perfect ending to your regimen as it reinforces and rejuvenates the eye contour area. 

Omorovicza 匈牙利皇后活膚露 100ml,參考定價 NT$3,500。
Omorovicza Queen Essence, 100ml, recommended price NT$3,500.

Balanced Nourishment 

If you are not a fan of oily or creamy textures, then Aesop’s Lucent Facial Concentrate is definitely the perfect choice. Like a comfortable, lightweight serum, the formula is rich in Vitamin C that replenishes and hydrates the skin. It also comes with plant-based components that achieve deep nourishment to support the skin in retaining balance, collagen and brightness, along with subtle hints of rose otto, sandalwood and cream. Taking just one to two drops, massage the concentrate gently into your freshly cleansed skin from the forehead to the neck—the most natural and burden-free skin care is achieved. 

Up close detail of Aesop Damascan Rose Facial Treatment.

Leisure Time 

Drawing inspiration from enjoyable times of the day—seaweed baths taken in the town of Valberg, Sweden, deep dives into the ocean, saunas in the wooden houses—L:a Bruket turns these daily leisure into values of meaning. Like paving the way with the usual juniper scent and layering it with delicate hints of pepper and wood, the Swedish brand finally introduces a brand new face care collection. Armed with the patented biotech ingredient, Algica®, the series comes with five steps to help elevate the delicacy of the skin. Start it off with a double cleansing process, followed by hydra-firming conditioning, deep nourishment replenishing the skin, revitalization of the eye contour area and lastly, end the regimen with moisturization that protects and regenerates. 

L:a Bruket 282 輕柔賦活面霜 50ml,參考定價 NT$2,100。
L:a Bruket 282 Regenerating Cream, 50ml, recommended price NT$2,100.
L:a Bruket 281 輕盈保濕防護乳。
L:a Bruket 281 Protective Fluid.


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